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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> After re-docking, Cortana appears on secdary taskbar.
Dan   2019-01-30 07:21
(Love Ultramon by the way)

Configuration: Dual monitor setup with laptop in a docking station. Running Windows 10.

When I'm docked and Ultramon starts and configures the taskbars, everything is great. Initially, the second taskbar has its own Start and Cortana icons, but these get removed. Perfect!

When I undock and operate with only the laptop, everything is great.

When I re-dock, everything behaves as expected...EXCEPT...Cortana is back on the secondary taskbar. The Start icon did not come back, just Cortana. She's in the second position too, just where she was before Ultramon started and removed her the first time. The really weird thing is when I move applications to the second monitor, the second application ALSO takes the second icon position where Cortana is. The even weirder thing is she is still there too. Both are occupying the same spot! However you can only select Cortana and can't use the task bar icon of the second app to access the app.

Stopping Ultramon and starting it again fixes the issue.

Is this a know issue? Is there a setting that I am unaware of that avoids it?

If not, can a future release address this? Or at a minimum, offer a single click menu option that restarts/resets Ultramon?

Christian Studer   2019-01-31 14:16
Which version of UltraMon are you using? So far I haven't been able to reproduce this issue with UltraMon 3.4.1 on Windows 10 (version 1809).

Glad to hear you like UltraMon!

Christian Studer -
Dan   2019-02-01 12:40
Yes, Ultramon 3.4.1. Windows 10 Enterprise 1709.

Is there a way to upload attachments? I have screen shots if it would help.

Thanks for responding!
Christian Studer   2019-02-04 13:48
I have now been able to reproduce the issue, this time I tested with Cortana instead of the regular search icon, and am seeing the same issue you're seeing when disabling and then re-enabling the secondary monitor.

I'll look into this for the next release, the quickest way to fix this is to run the RestartSmartTaskbar script.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> After re-docking, Cortana appears on secdary taskbar.

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