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Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Script to resize window to 75% and centre
Steve   2019-04-21 07:41
Hi there, has anyone written a script that will do this. What I would like to do is to resize the in focus window to 75% of the current monitor and then centre it on the screen.

There are some scripts in the database that do some of these things but when I try to combine/adjust I am not quite getting it right. No done any coding/scripting for years so just me I think.

Appreciate if anyone has done this or similar.


Christian Studer   2019-04-21 13:38
The following code will do this:

Set sys = CreateObject("UltraMon.System") Set wnd = CreateObject("UltraMon.Window") If wnd.GetForegroundWindow() = True Then Set mon = sys.Monitors(wnd.Monitor - 1) wnd.Width = mon.Width / 100 * 75 wnd.Height = mon.Height / 100 * 75 wnd.Centered = True wnd.ShowState = 2 'SHOWSTATE_NORMAL wnd.ApplyChanges 0 End If

Christian Studer -
Steve   2019-04-30 12:03
Hey Christian, firstly apologies for the delay in responding.

Thank you so much for this, this helps me a lot with my workflow - appreciate it - works like a charm.

Best wishes

Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Script to resize window to 75% and centre

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