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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two Monitors with a huge gap inbetween?
Jurgen   2019-05-24 00:02
I've recently come across a corporate customer with an unexpected setup where there is a wide gap between the monitors in his extended desktop. The gap is 1920px (scaled to 3940px).

When I try to position a (WPF) window on the second monitor it fails to show in the intended rect. I'm using APIs to position my windows.

Monitors (API)
DpiAwareType SystemDpiAware
MonDpiX 192
Monitor1 0, 0, 3840, 2160 ( 3840x2160 )
Monitor2 7680, 0,11520, 2160 ( 3840x2160 )

My problem: i cannot replicate a scenario where i can set the X offset of the 2nd monitor to anything larger than the the right edge of monitor1. win10 (1809) just refuses to allow a gap.

My assumption: he originally had a third monitor which is now disabled or removed.

My question(s): anyone ever come across a setup like this, or is it an anomaly that I should ask the customer to reset his multimonitor cache (registry).
If it's not uncommon.. I've got to find a fix...


win10(1809) surfacebook2 (3000x2000@200%) + dell (3440x1440@100%)
Christian Studer   2019-05-24 02:34
That shouldn't be possible, my guess would be an application issue due to the per-monitor DPI scaling.

Try if making your application per-monitor DPI aware fixes the issue, you should then get the real screen coordinates.

Christian Studer -
Jurgen   2019-05-24 04:13
cant. I'm running an add-in so stuck to the hosting app.


win10(1809) surfacebook2 (3000x2000@200%) + dell (3440x1440@100%)
Jurgen   2019-05-24 04:19
ps. waiting for the customer to send me a registry dump of HKLM\ SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers.

Windows.Forms, systemparameters etc give similar sizes as API calls. Somehow I'm convinced I'll find a strange cx offset in that registry.


win10(1809) surfacebook2 (3000x2000@200%) + dell (3440x1440@100%)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two Monitors with a huge gap inbetween?

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