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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Moving mouse between monitors of different size
Hans L   2019-06-03 09:05

I have two "landscape" monitors with a "portrait" monitor in-between. As know you all know that it is not possible to move the mouse from the bottom or top of the "portrait" monitor to one of the "landscape" monitors.

I remember having had software that resolved this conundrum for this in the distant past. Does UltraMon provide anything similar, or do you guys and gals know of any software fir this that actually works today in Windows 10, 64-bit?

Thanks for assistance.

Hans L
Christian Studer   2019-06-03 11:17
UltraMon can't help with this, but if you align all 3 monitors at either the top or bottom, you can at least move the mouse along that edge over all 3 monitors.

Christian Studer -
Hans L   2019-06-11 08:40
Unfortunately, I cannot do that, Christian, since that would put the landscape monitors too high. But thanks anyway.

Hans L
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Moving mouse between monitors of different size

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