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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Changing the default Projector Settings to "Duplicate"?
Ulf G   2019-07-20 13:40

is there a way to set the default Projector Settings to "Duplicate" in Windows 10?

I have to objectives:
- Once Windows recognizes a certain setup (e.g. 2 Monitors with certain EDIDs), the projector setting should be set to the state they had last in this configuration (this seems to be Windows 10 default)
- If Windows recognizes an unknown setup (eg. 1 Monitor with a known EDID, 1 Monitor with an unknown EDID), it should use "Duplicate" as the Projector mode.

Is UltraMon capable to do this? Is there maybe a registry setting for this? Would it be possible to code a little tool able to do this?

Best regards,

Ulf G
Christian Studer   2019-07-22 16:06
UltraMon can't do this, I also don't know if there's another way to do this.

Christian Studer -
Ulf G   2019-07-24 00:22
Thank you for your reply. If your company would be willing and able to develop a tool that let's us do this, please contact me with an offer.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Changing the default Projector Settings to "Duplicate"?

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