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Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Change the display showing in pause mode
kevinlin   2019-08-09 00:41
Dear webmaster,

Is there any method to change the display showing when pause the mirror. At This time, it's just freeze. Thanks very much.
Christian Studer   2019-08-09 01:21
That's not supported. Would you want to show a picture or just a blank screen instead?

Christian Studer -
kevinlin   2019-08-09 05:17
I wanna show a predefine picture. Would it be supported?
kevinlin   2019-08-09 05:46
Would you kind to open the interface to control it? Thanks very much.
Christian Studer   2019-08-10 10:01
I'll consider this for a future release, but currently there is no way to do this.

Christian Studer -
kevinlin   2019-08-12 05:57
Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Change the display showing in pause mode

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