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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> I need to have 4 shortcuts for differents monitors on and off.
Luis   2019-11-22 19:29
Hi people!

I bought a 2070 Nvidia GPU and I have 4 monitors, say 1; 2; 3 and 4 from left to right, and what I want is to have 4 differents configurations:

A) Monitor 1 on and other 3 off (To work)-
B) Monitors 1 and 2 on and other 2 off (To work with extended desktop).
C) Monitor 2 on (2, 3 and 4 are 27´ and 1 is 24´) and other 3 off (To see movies).
D) Monitor 1 off and other 3 on (To play).

After a lot of work with NVidia Control Panel, I could reach each option.
But I could not waste 5 minutes every time I need to change configuration!
I need to have 4 shortcuts, one per each configuration!

So I found Ultramon! But still is not completed solved my problem. Seems Ultramon could only change between 2 options previously sets using NVidia surround.
It is possible what I want using Ultramon, I meand to have 4 shortcuts with differents monitors on and off? I hope is possible but i just could not know how to do it.
Please help me!
Christian Studer   2019-11-24 15:01
That should work fine, maybe the problem is the monitor numbering.

Try if the following helps: enable all 4 monitors, then run the script FixMonIds.vbs. After running the script, re-create the four display profiles and try if everything works as expected.

Christian Studer -
Luis   2019-11-26 16:09
Thanks Christian!

This week I´m too busy, next week I´ll try your suggestion!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> I need to have 4 shortcuts for differents monitors on and off.

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