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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> TV & Monitor
Brian   2020-05-15 09:34
Hi I am trying use my computer monitor (1920 res) for most activity and have a TV (1680 res) that plays either a slide show from a small laptop or mirrors what is seen on the TV. I have a physical VGA monitor switch to control what happens on the TV. (I wanted to use a laptop as I have a spare & then it won't hog resources from the computer)

My problem is whenever I setup the display to have the two monitors (even using the UltraMon "Display Settings...") the computer monitor downgrades to 1680 res which makes it blurry & my main POS partly offscreen). 3.4.1 Windows 10.0.18362 64bit

Thanks so Much

Christian Studer   2020-05-15 14:57
Sounds like you're using the video card's clone mode, which would set both monitors to the same resolution.

You could use UltraMon's mirroring feature instead, to set this up switch the TV to the main computer, then go to UltraMon menu > Windows Display Properties and make sure Multiple Displays is set to Extend Desktop. Then go to UltraMon menu > Mirroring > Settings to configure the mirroring feature.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> TV & Monitor

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