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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Display System stopped working!!
Nick Gosey   2003-06-04 08:33
I had gotten my system to work fine for almost a week, but when I booted up last night the secondary monitor no longer worked.

Here is my setup:

OS: XP Home
Primary: ATI Rage Fury Pro with a Realisys monitor
Secondary: SIS 6326 with an old Packard Bell monitor

I had it working with the SIS Win2k driver for the 6326, no problems.

Now it will not work. I re-installed the sis card and then when I went to change the display settings I got the following message: Invalid Display Settings: "The currently selected graphics display driver can not be used. It was written for a previous version of Windows, and is no longer compatible with this version of Windows. The system has been started using the default VGA driver. Please contact your hardware manufacturer to get an upgraded driver, or select one of the Microsoft provided drivers."

I have tried re-installing the card multiple times and have tried changing the monitor driver from "default display" to "plug-and-play monitor" a number of times as well.
Nick Gosey   2003-06-04 19:47
The odd thing about my problem is that the video card is working and the monitor is getting a signal. Before, when I couldn't get XP to recognize the card the monitor just didn't get a signal and the amber light stayed on. Now the light is green.

In the resolution settings the only option I have is -1x-1 -- obviously a problem.... There are no color depth settings, no refresh rate settings...
marc p   2003-07-09 20:13
Same prob with me....
FX5200 two moniotrs on XP Home.
If you find a solution I would love to hear it!!
marc p   2003-07-09 20:22
Just found this....

"Display driver tip
I got this error on my Toshiba Tecra 8100 (with NT 4.0):
The currently selected graphics display driver can not be used...
The system has been started using the default VGA driver...

... or something like that. Nothing worked to fix it, not even installing the latest driver from Toshiba. The secret turned out to be to boot up in VGA mode, and then install the driver. Then everything worked fine. "

foundit here:

I hope it works
Nick   2003-08-21 15:19
Well, I gave up on that monitor. When I put a different monitor on it the whole thing worked.... So I dunno....
Peter Murgatroyd   2005-02-26 00:27
Had the same error message myself with a GForce 6800 and Matrox G450... seems this is an NVidia problem from the other posts I found on the net. No clear solution though...
Martin Smallridge   2005-08-16 23:45
I posted up the solution I found worked for me with a G450 (PCI) and a Nvidia 6200TC
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Display System stopped working!!

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