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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Feature Suggestion: Cursor sticky controls
db   2021-10-24 09:58
UltraMon does almost everything I need related to multiple monitors, except I still run 'Dual Monitor Tools' simply to control cursor movement between screens. (Specifically, I have it set to default to 'sticky' movement between screens, with 'freely return to primary' enabled). Unless there are options I'm missing somewhere I don't think UltraMon does this.

Of course, I can still keep running it this way, but thinking it would be neat if UltraMon could also provide this functionality. I think just having an option for 'sticky cursor movement', along with 'return to primary freely', and ability to select amount of 'stickiness' would cover most uses.
Christian Studer   2021-10-26 15:13
Does this slow down mouse movement when you move the mouse to the border of a monitor?

Christian Studer -
db   2021-10-31 09:55
No, the cursor still moves to the monitor edge the same, it's just that it 'sticks' there and you have to keep moving it for some time before it crosses over to the other monitor.
Christian Studer   2021-11-06 13:14
I'll consider that for a future release.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Feature Suggestion: Cursor sticky controls

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