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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Scrolling is going haywire when using multiple monitors
John D   2021-10-26 08:53
I have an issue with my scrolling that showed up all of a sudden. If in Chrome and on a page that scrolls left and right, it automatically scrolls all to the right. If I move to the left, it goes back to the right. If I go to windows menu and then programs, it just scrolls me through all the programs to the bottom.

If I disable my 2 other monitors, then the issue goes away. I can't an option that would cause this.

Christian Studer   2021-10-26 15:15
My guess would be that the right arrow key is stuck, but then you should also have the issue with only the primary monitor enabled.

Not sure what else might cause this.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Scrolling is going haywire when using multiple monitors

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