Dean Taunton 2022-01-13 14:29
Primary reason for considering purchase is renumbering monnitors. Renumbering in Ultramon does not seem to affect Windows 10 Display Settings. Primary monitor which should be Number 1 is identified a 2. Could be user error but don't think so. Is this something being fixed for Windows 10 capability?
D. Taunton
Dean Taunton 2022-01-13 14:32
P.S. I use two 4K monitors and two separate video cards...a 3090 and and 2080 GTX. Not two ports on one card.
D. Taunton
Christian Studer 2022-01-13 15:33
UltraMon can't change the numbering used by Windows, but switching monitor cables should do what you want (if it doesn't matter to which card each monitor is connected).
Christian Studer -