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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitor config doesn't hold when started
Richard   2022-08-29 18:42
All of a sudden, when I start my laptop, the current display profile I prefer, doesn't start. I have my laptop on left (primary) and external on right (secondary). What comes up is another profile with external on left as secondary, so I have to scroll to the left to get to my primary laptop. I even created a new profile with laptop on left, ext on right so they display left to right, and this other profile comes up. What do I do? Delete them all and start over?

Christian Studer   2022-08-31 12:51
What happens if you apply the display profile after logging in, does the internal screen get set as primary on the left, with the external screen to the right of it?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitor config doesn't hold when started

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