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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Shortcut to identify monitor number
Philippe Desrochers   2022-10-23 15:36

I'm using UltraMon since a few months.

I have a question or maybe a feature request:

Somtimes, I have to connect to my remote computer with RDP and I have some trouble to know which monitor I'm using on the distant computer. It would be nice to have a shortcut from UltraMon to show the monitor number. (like in the Windows Display Properties)

So, is it possible to display the current monitor number with UltraMon (where the mouse/focus is located) ? Is there a shortcut for this action ?

An other feature request would be to be able to start a application in a specific Monitor. Again, while connected with RDP, I sometimes start an application and it opens on the other monitor. (I think most application usually starts on the same monitor it was closed) It would be nice if UltraMon could ask on which monitor to start a newly started application.
Christian Studer   2022-10-25 14:50
Showing monitor numbers via hotkey isn't supported, but the remote session always uses the local monitors, independent of how many monitors the remote computer has, so your local left monitor is also your left monitor in the remote session, same for the right monitor.

Regarding application positioning: I would recommend just closing the application on the desired monitor in the remote session to have it use that monitor the next time. You could use UltraMon's shortcuts feature (UltraMon menu > Shortcuts) or one of the PositionApp scripts, but you would still need to set this up manually, there's no way to configure an application to be on the same monitor in both the local and remote session automatically.

Christian Studer -
Philippe Desrochers   2022-11-07 11:44
Ok, thanks, finally I create a HotKey to send an application to the Primary Monitor.

Thanks also for the trick/hint of closing the application on the proper monitor so the next Launch of an application occurs in that monitor.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Shortcut to identify monitor number

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