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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Remove start button from not working in Windows 11
Christopher York   2023-02-26 14:46
If I select "remote start button from" and do "secondary taskbars", nothing happens, the start button remains.

Is this a bug with Windows 11?

Christopher York   2023-02-26 14:50
Should note I am running the latest version of Ultramon.
Christian Studer   2023-02-26 15:38
I'm seeing that as well, will be fixed in the next release if possible.

Christian Studer -
Ultramon Fan   2023-07-10 13:26
Just jumped on the Win11 bandwagon, and came here for the exact issue. Any ETA on new release?
Christian Studer   2023-07-10 15:37
I haven't looked into this yet.

Christian Studer -
Christopher Cunningham   2024-07-17 07:30
Hello Christian. Curious if you are going to address some of the Windows 11 issues? I am the UltraMon App owner for a fortune 500 company and we have several thousand user of this awesome software. I have been representing this software for eight years. The corp is also moving as a company to Win11 and the Start button on each window is a bit of a mess with some other sticky issues listed on this forum.

I am looking at removing this software and switching to Display Fusion. Another multi monitor solution with a lot of bells a whistles Ultramon does not have. DF is Win11 friendly so your app is falling behind.

That change in software also has a fair bit of red tape. You have been absent from this app for awhile. Is it abandoned or are you going to make some of the much needed updates?

~UltraMon advocate
Christian Studer   2024-07-18 05:16
Will be fixed if possible, but I haven't looked into this yet.

What other issues do you have? The only major issue I'm aware of is missing window buttons caused by the rounded window corners, a patch is available for this.

Christian Studer -
Christopher Cunningham   2024-07-18 16:29
I missed the patch for that issue. I will get it added to our installation package.

~UltraMon advocate
Christopher Cunningham   2024-08-14 07:20
Is this in development to fix? You have been stating that you would look at it for over a year. I know my company has several thousand licenses a year. That is a big chunk of passive income your going to loose if I swap this out for another software product.

I am getting tired of employee's asking me if this will be fixed. Please provide a timeline when this can be addressed or I start the shift to DisplayFusion Pro.

~UltraMon advocate
Christian Studer   2024-08-15 10:37
I just took a quick look, and doubt that this can be fixed.

The taskbar is implemented differently, and the method UltraMon currently uses certainly won't work, and there's no quick/easy fix to get it working.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Remove start button from not working in Windows 11

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