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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple monitors and WIN XP Pro
Bongo   2003-06-08 03:33
I have 3 cards in my comp(one AGP and one PCI), i can only use 2 monitors if i initialise the PCI card first. But the 3rd card says it couldnt start(in device manager) i had this problem with the original card but i got round it by initialising the PCI card first(in the BIOS) its really starting to bug me now :|...Anyone got any idea's?
Bongo   2003-06-08 03:36
Oops, forgot to say that the 3rd card is obviously PCI :)
ecarlson   2003-06-08 12:29
Sounds like you need newer PCI cards, or replace one of the cards (PCI or AGP) with a dual output card. Some older cards had to be initialized first, and obviously only one of your two PCI cards can be initialized first. If they are different brand cards, try swapping the two PCI cards around to see if that helps. Maybe only one has the problem.

- Eric
Bongo   2003-06-08 21:04
Thanks :)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple monitors and WIN XP Pro

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