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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> LCD with CRT, ATI Fire GL Support
Gary   2003-06-09 04:33
I'm in the process of purchasing a dozen Dell Precision 650 Workstations running Windows XP with the ATI Fire GL X1 128mb video card, which offers dual monitor support. I'm also purchasing the Dell 21" Trinitron CRT displays. I would like to place NEC 17" LCD's along side the CRT and run the displays off the ATI video card. Can you tell me if this is possible? What about the Pivot feature, will that work also?

My application includes running CAD software on the CRT where the LCD will be used to access non-CAD applications like Intranets, Oracle, Help files, Scanned Drawings, etc.

Samsung told me I cannot run a CRT with an LCD, but I have not been able to find any other evidence of that. In fact, most of the other documentation I'm finding makes me beleive I can do it.

Also, it doesn't look like this card is on the Microsoft compatibility list. Any thoughts on that?

Thanks in advance ....

Gary H
ecarlson   2003-06-09 12:06
Hopefully the card supports digital and analog out at the same time like my NVidia card, so you can drive the LCD's digitally. Also, most CAD apps support dual monitors, so you might find people using both monitors just for CAD. It is quite common, and desireable to use dual displays for CAD.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> LCD with CRT, ATI Fire GL Support

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