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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitors with ATI RADEON 9000 cards
Christian Studer   2003-06-09 12:19
I have tested a 3-monitor system with 2 ATI RADEON 9000 cards. Read the review here.

Christian Studer -
ecarlson   2003-06-09 13:56
Cool. Thanks. I read both articles. Doesn't look like 3D and video work too well with Windows 2000 on multi monitors. Fortunately, Windows 2000 works pretty well in 2D mode with two monitors, which is what I use right now.

- Eric
Christian Studer   2003-06-09 22:26
I'm really not sure if it's a problem with the drivers or my system.

On one hand I find it hard to believe that both the ATI and Nvidia Windows 2000 drivers would have that many issues, on the other hand I'm using a standard Windows 2000 Server install with almost no third-party apps and drivers (only for testing), and for the Nvidia review I had installed a fresh disk image.

If I get around to it, I'll install Windows 2000 Pro and see if I have the same problems.

Christian Studer -
ecarlson   2003-06-10 10:01
I'd be very interested to see if there is a video support different between W2K-Pro and W2K server.

At work, one other IT person and I have pretty much the exact same dual monitor setup with the same computer, using the same NVidia AGP card and ATI PCI card, but he is running Server, and I am running Pro. We are both using different drivers though, and we both have different apps and other stuff installed, so we can't really directly compare the two.

- Eric
LordMach   2003-07-12 16:09
hmm... i can choose on/off button in properties... anybody know what is proplem? :S
i can use two monitor... but i want use 2 monitors and TV... if u have same proplem and know what is proplem, e-mail to:

Connect3D 9500pro with Catalyst 3.4
Oskar   2003-10-30 00:30
Hi i got a ati radeon 9000 pci 64 mb
and when i try to connect it to my TV i only get black and white. Its nothing wring with my TV its the grafikcard. Please help me!
Tim Koren   2003-11-24 06:27
I got a new machine this past weekend that has a Radeon 9600 Pro 250 card in it. I installed W2K Server w/SP3 and all of my drivers (including ATI's driver) and had no problems. I ran into some other problems later down the road and had to rebuild the system the next day.

The next time I built the system, I had major problems with the video card driver (the exact problems you had). The first time I'd reboot it would not let me log in (every time I put in my name/password it would take me back to the same screen). After rebooting, I would be able to log on, but every application I attempted to run would result in something like this following error "The application failed to initialize 0x0000142".

Strangely enough, sometimes I would be able to run apps for the first minute or two that I was logged on. Uninstalling the Radeon driver in device manager fixed the problem, but on each reboot Windows would autodetect and re-add the device.

I reinstalled the system from scratch one more time and had the exact same problem with the ATI driver. I was really frustrated with this because I had it working the first time somehow. I ended up giving up on it and installed XP Pro instead.
Mark   2003-12-07 02:07
Hi there,

I'm using a Radeon 9000 PCI as my second card, and a Radeon 9800 Pro as my primary card. I've been having a nagging problem ever since the very beginning:

I've just upgraded my motherboard. Previously I was using an Asus P4G8X and 50% of the time when I booted up the system would show the BIOS messages etc on the 9800. If it did this then the 9000 would not be visible when I got into windows. To fix this I would have to keep rebooting until the BIOS messages appeared first on the 9000, then when windows loaded all 3 monitors would display.

I figured that the 9800 must be slightly faster 50% of the time, and since I could get around this with an additional reboot it didn't bother me. Note: no other PCI cards installed in system.

I've just upgraded to an Asus P4C800 and now the problem is slightly worse. The MB as a setting to give the PCI card priority, but now it has become apparent that the 9000 isn't even being recognised by the system most of the time.

So far the only way I can get it to be recognised is to boot, power down completely, then switch on. If I simply reboot, the 9000 doesn't get recognised, and an error "PCI IRQ routing table error" appears on boot (on the monitors connected to the 9800).

I've tried all sorts of settings in the BIOS, but so far nothing has produced a solid result.

At first one might be included to think that this is a MB issue, but the fact is that I've had this problem now with 2 motherboards, so surely someone else must have had the same problem?

I've looked for firmware upgrades for the 9800 and 9000 but it appears that the only software available is the windows drivers, and since this seems to be a system level issue, the windows drivers shouldn't be involved.

Tips anyone?

Chriotic   2004-01-29 09:18
I experimented with Hercules 9000 cards (1 9000 Pro AGP and 2 9000 PCI) as well. I am running 3 NEC 1880SX, so I want 3 DVI connectors. The results were bad: It just wasn't working, neither on an Abit NV-S 7 Rev. 2.0 nor on an Abit IC7-Max3. I tested with W2K Pro and XP Pro.
Using just the AGP card and one of the PCI cards led to problems. Using just the 2 PCI cards had the same result.

Swapping the 2 Hercules 9000 PCI cards for 2 Sapphire 7000 PCI cards (with DVI connectors as well) resulted in a rockstable system (including the Hercules 9000 Pro AGP). The picture quality on the Sapphire powered TFTs is lacking, from time to time horizontal white lines (noise) appears or the whole picture is flickering (mainly with moving pictures like movies or just loading browser windows).

Conclusion: It seems as if it isn't possible to run 2 or more Hercules 9000 cards in one system without problems, unless you are very lucky. The stable running 1 Hercules/2 Sapphire combination supports this conjecture.

To get rid of the quality issue I will try to swap the Sapphires for a PNY Quadro 4 NVS 280 PCI card (dual DVI). The older NVS 200 PCI can be purchased for 140 ¤ in Germany, no price on the 280 PCI yet. If I am not happy with the price I might just grab a 200 NVS. We will see. :)
Simon Gales   2004-02-17 12:37
I recently upgraded my desktop, and ran into similar problems. The original system was a dual Athlon MP system, with a RIVA 128 and an ATI All-In-Wonder 7500 card. This worked flawlessly, using a pair of 19" CRTs.
The new system has a Tyan dual Opteron motherboard, with only one CPU for now. I purchased an ATI 9200 PCI card to replace the RIVA 128.
After loading the ATI Catalyst suite, the next reboot was chaotic. Attempting to login resulted in an immediate logout, never seeing the desktop. Creating a new account (remotely) allowed me to login, but I only got a bunch of "Application Failed to Initialize" crap, and explorer was useless. Even shutting down was impossible.
Removing the ATI 9200 PCI card resolved the problem, though removing the 7500 would probably have fixed it too.
After reading this thread, I'm not too encouraged, though I'm hoping that using an Nvidia PCI card, or a non-Radeon ATI PCI card may be more productive.
KAREN   2004-02-23 20:19
I have the same problem as oskar..
i got a ati radeon 9000 pci 64 mb
and when i try to connect it to my TV i only get black and white. Its nothing wring with my TV either. Please help me! Has anyone solved this problem for him. If so can someone give me some help pls..

fuge   2004-10-16 21:05
i've got the black/white problem too :'(
Mayhem   2004-10-17 03:13
For those people who get black and white on their TV from their graphics card:-

It could be because your card is outputting PAL instead of NTSC or the other way around. Just an idea, when I plugged my computer into a TV for the first time it was black and white - then I changed to PAL and it worked fine.
Ryan Ellerton   2004-10-26 05:21
Ok, so im glad i found this forum. i recently purchased a ati all-in-wonder 9800 pro (single monitor output) (8x agp) and a Nvidia 5500 (dual vga, pci). i CANNOT get them to work together, if both cards are enabled the ATI card works, but the two monitors hooked up to the Nvidia card show garbage or nothing. PNY, ATI, ASUS all say "ummmmm won't work, can't do it with Win XP Pro". hopefully someone here can help me out. e-mail me at if you have any ideas. thanks
Stephen R Terwilliger   2004-11-01 11:30
Yep, good 'ol ATI. I went through the exact same problem and ATI basically said "too bad". Nice huh? I tried both an Nvidia Geforce 440 PCI and a Sapphire Radeon 9200 SE PCI, both to no avail. As soon as I can sell my 9800 AIW Pro I'm getting an Nvidia, less frustration.
Faustin   2005-02-28 22:44

I have a ATI All In Wonder 9800 Pro and i need support for 3-Monitor display. What other PCI video card would you recommend?

My System:
Dell Dimension 8250
512 RAM
WinXP Pro

Thanks! :)
Jason   2005-03-08 09:20
I was wondering, i am planning to do a show with my 9800 pro 128 and was wondering if i connected something to each of the 3 connectors (vga, dvi, tv) would i be able to have a three-way extended desktop in win xp. 2 will be for running windows apps(on the two monitors), and tv-out will be connected to a projector running a powerpoint presentation. I would like to know soo, this i saturday and today is tuesday...
M   2005-03-08 11:45
Mayhem 2004-10-17 09:13
For those people who get black and white on their TV from their graphics card:-

It could be because your card is outputting PAL instead of NTSC or the other way around. Just an idea, when I plugged my computer into a TV for the first time it was black and white - then I changed to PAL and it worked fine.


S-Video to Composite = colour
S-Video to S-Video = black+white
Composite to S-Video = black+white

Different card/output options seem to differ.
(just in my experience with a couple of tv cards, not a rule...)

Paulo Freitag   2005-03-20 10:45
I also have a ATI AIW Radeon 9800 Pro AGP as my primary card, (Monitor 1)and have a ATI Radeon 9250 PCI for my other two monitors.

I cannot get the 9250 to work at all with my 9800. I can get the 9250 to work by it self and the 9800 to work by it self but not together.

I tried, 9800 AGP with 2 Nvidia TNT2 PCI cards ant it worked perfect.

At first I thought it was a driver thing and that ATI's driver didn't allow two ATI cards work in the same machine, but I tried the 9250 AGP version and the 9250 PCI version together and I got it to work fine, all 4 monitors.

But what I really want is the 9800 all in wonder to work because of the TV and all the other extra features with it.

Has anyone ever got an 9800 All in wonder to work together with a 9250 PCI or any other ATI PCI cards?

Paulo Freitag
chris   2005-03-30 23:17
Thank M.

I'm also having the same issue with the output being black&white. I've got a ATI Radeon 9000/9100 igp on a Compaq nx9100 using the 128Mb of onboard RAM trying to connect to a Sony Trinitron TV.
Tried all the PAL and NTSC combination to no avail and I'm using s-video to composite.
Please anyone help.. this is doing my head in..
Alex   2005-04-01 03:18
I have got PowerColor Ati Radeon 7000. it shows Black/White image on TV(I'm using S-Video to S-Video), when I install drivers from Windows .NET Server on XP it starts to show Color image on TV.

Q: Why dosen't ATI original drivers show Color image on TV via S-Video?
Findingnemo   2005-04-14 15:36
Copy and paste from ATI Customer Care web site

Black and White image on Television using 3rd party SCART adapter with an S-Video jack
The information in this article applies to the following system configurations:

TV OUT using 3rd party S-VIDEO to SCART adapter

PAL or MULTISYSTEM TVs (most often found in European countries)
The symptoms described are not specific to ATI products. This Infobase is provided for the convenience of users especially in Europe. The signal on the TV set may show up black and white using a 3rd party S-VIDEO to SCART adapter.

A SCART connector only supports composite video. If you connect an S-VIDEO cable directly into a SCART adapter, the result will be a black and white signal, regardless of the type of graphics card being used.

There are preferred S-VIDEO to SCART adapters from 3rd party vendors that will properly give you colour display.
osolomio   2005-05-07 14:30
Hi All,

I wonder if anyone has experienced problems with ATI 9100 IGP RADEON driver..

My CPU restarts without any warning after installation of the all-in-1 driver for my ASUS motherboard.

It seems the error is coming from the display driver. I have reinstalled my Win XP but it doesnt seem to help.

Please let me know if anyone has solution to this problem. Thank you very much.
toto   2005-05-14 07:09
Hi every one. I'm trying to run an All in wonder radeon 7500 (AGP) with a third party card that has an ATI 9250 chip, this card is PCI. I managed to run 3 monitors (extended desktop) with no problems but.... The problem I'm trying to solve is runung the TV tuner on the AIW card. As soon as I disable the extended desktop to the ATI 9250 I can run the TV tuner. If I enable the display on the 9250 I get an error that means the TV tuner is not detected in the device manager. I did check it, it was there. I also tried to see if there is any I/O or IRQ conflicts, did not find any. So any one has a solution?
Matt   2005-05-20 20:10
Hi I just bought a sapphire ati radeon 9800 pro and i have a 19 inch LCD monitor. Do i use the VGA or the DVI ?
ECarlson   2005-05-21 01:54
If you have DVI, and the DVI cable, you use DVI. VGA is a step backwards for LCD monitors.

- Eric,
Dmoney   2005-07-30 05:25
Hi all,
I recently purchased a ATI AIW 9800 pro and am trying to get a multi monitor display to work but for some reason it isn't. I plug one monitor into the card and the other into the main system but the main system card isn't recognized. Any Thoughts?
Norbster86   2005-08-31 14:18
I'm having the problem of no color on my TV with my laptop that has a Radeon Mobility 9000. I use a composit to s-video adapter to run an RCA cable, wich used on my desktop computer with a Geforce FX 5700 LE works just fine with all the colors...
Andy   2005-09-14 06:33
Seems like everyone have this black and white tv problem. I recently built a new computer with a ATI x700 Graphic Card. Before this I used a Geforce MX440 and it worked perfectly with my tv.
With my AIT card I get black and white screen on my TV even when I use same scart adapter and same cabel.
This really sux.
ATI send me a new card as compensation!
Kbit   2005-09-24 06:35
My new ATI RADEON x700 AGP is making me crazy...
I've got that Black and white problem too. No way to obtain color in the TV (but works well with my Miro PCTV)

What's the problem!?!? I use the SAME scart adapter I used with my old NVIDIA...

thx (not to you ATI...)
Sebastien   2005-10-01 02:22
I found a solution to the black and white problem!

Took a while to figure out.

Display - Settings - Advanced

Then click on ATI Displays - TV

Click on adjustments and then on OVERSCAN

This solved it to me
Harry   2005-11-05 06:38
I have bought a ATI All-in-wonder PCI-express card x600 Pro
I have to connect Epson projector through S video in.
The problems are as below:
1. when computer boot up , I can see the video
but the video drop out in the Windows XP Pro
wurkki   2005-11-11 05:06
I also have Ati mobility radeon 9000, and the same black & white problem. I tried to new cabels, bending the pins, got new driver (DNA-Ati and nothing will help. Couldn´t find any other driver. My Tv is panasonic tx-28pl1f. I´m really hopeless now, please help.
Joshua Entwistle   2005-11-18 10:00
Ok - here's something for you. We're currently having the Black and White monitor problem but we've found a little bit of a solution.

We didn't insert the S-Video cable all the way into the back of the laptop. It seems that when the TV gets the full signal it goes black and white, but when the cable isn't connected properly you get real colour. Now I don't know which one of the pins isn't getting a connection to fix the problem but my advice is - try a loose connector.
Mitko   2005-11-23 07:58
I have found another solution. I had the same problem and it was because of the s-video to composite adapter. The first one I used had only 4 pins and I saw only black and white. Than I saw that the Adapter which came with my Ati Radeon x550 had 9 pins, but it fitted also in the s-video out. With this Adapter I see color picture on my TV.
sircle   2005-12-03 22:16

Hey guys help me spread the word on this cause I spent all night and
succeeded in getting 4 stable, Open GL/video playing displays running all at the same

time. So know that if you try hard enough it can be done!

Runs MAYA, Photoshop, and full screen video playback can be dragged across each.

My two cards and board:
SuperMicro X5DA8 Dual 2.8Xeon 3GB mem
AGP 8X: ATI Fire GL X1-256 (I was told it holds radeon chips)
PCI 33MHZ: Nvidia Chaintech G-Force MX5200.

Here is what I did:

1. Disable all extended desktops in windows.

2. Uninstall all drivers and control panels for both ati and nvidia

3. Uninstall all display adapter cards from device manager

4. Install Entech Powerstrip 3.6
(maybe not necessary for multi screen
but definately to turn open GL on for all 4 screens
along with many other driver features
and you can program a shortcut to turn off all monitors)

5. Reboot into bios and choose PCI as primary boot display.
(for SCSI booters you need to go into the bios again after the boot screen comes up

again on the pci card and fix your boot order because this gets reset)

6. Boot regular into windows




7. When prompted for the ATI card in the hardware setup wizard use the old ATI driver.
(for the X1-256 ver
(for the Radeon ver "somebody type this # in when they get a good one")
( )

8. When prompted for the Nvidia in the hardware setup wizard use the old Nvidia driver.
(for MX5200 ver 5.21.6)
(for the other Nvidia cards add working ver "somebody type this # in")
( )

9. Reboot and arrange all 1,2,3,4 screens in the display settings.
Do some tweaking in powerstrip on the openGL settings if you dare. bout it


I hope this works for you guys cause I have seen about 30 forum posts concerning this

topic. I am going to put it a few places and see how people do with it. Know that I

succeeded and so can you.

tuem   2006-01-29 06:28
Here's a solution to the black and white problem. I was connecting my laptop to the TV with a s-video to s-video and the only thing that helped was change the settings: ATI displays -> TV -> format -> NTSC or PAL (one of them should work)
That worked for me
Deam   2006-01-30 12:54
Will the Powerstrip work with the new nvidia drivers if I am using two Nvidia cards? Or do I need to use the older drivers?

Currently, I'm using the most recent drivers on a 6600gt PCIE/ FX5200 PCI combo and I cannot get openGL to work on the fx5200.
Mark   2006-02-15 23:13
Black and white issue:

After playing around for quite some time, i finally found out the problem. It was with the svideo plug connected to my video-card.

Originally I tried using a 4pin and a 7pin which both had the rectangular black pin. Both achieved no colour.

Then i found a svideo plug with 8pins(instead of the black rectangular pin it just had 2 normal pins). Success, colour.

Once i had colour, changing between pal and ntsc formats did not change it to black and white, nor did the overscan feature.

So chances are, its ur svideo plug causing the problem.
Armen   2006-03-11 07:29
Here is the solution:

Most S-Video->Composite convertors are shipped without C(4) pin connected. Nvidia cards detects if this pin is not connected and change video out from S-Video to composite. New Radeons cards work only with S-Video or HDTV.

So you need only to find correct cable or try made cable yourself.
Liviu   2006-03-11 14:02
I have just bought a new graphics card, is a ATI Radeon x 300se, 256MB, PCI Express x16. I had before a shared intel graphics. I went through all the steps to install........... Now the image it doesnt look like I was expecting, actuly is not even comparable to the one before. the problem I have is that I can see the refresh rate, and I have an lcd monitor, this didn't hapen before....Any suggestions ?

Alan   2006-03-21 06:22
Hi All. Black and white images on your tv. Yeah i HAD the same problem.

All the solutions in here are valid. So try them first. Yes the regional settings matter and yes there is a problem with composite signals.

But if all else fails here is my solution

Warning, first of all, do this at your own risk.

I have a s-video cable from the back of my radeon 7000 card to a scart connection on the back of my TV and of course i had black and white signal, so i turned the cable into a composite. On a "FOUR" pin s-video cable, look at the end and turn the cable until the notch is at the bottom, now break off the bottom two pins and only these pins or you will distroy the cable. ( YEah teh pins closest to the notch.

This will remove the brightness (y) which causes the issue
Zsolt   2006-04-10 18:18
Alan, could you make a little drawing regarding the pins that have to be removed?
GG   2006-04-11 00:21
why do you need a drawing? read the instructions again...he tells you what pins to break, TWICE.
Zsolt   2006-04-11 02:42
Because the pins he is talking about are the Luminence SIGNAL (Y) and the crominance SIGNAL (C) pins. And then you will remain only with the ground pins
Luni Coleone   2006-04-14 11:42
i cant believe how long i spent fucking around with that! yes for me it worked i removed the 2 pins closest to the notch, well actually i just bent them because i didnt want to permantly fuck up the connection, so try bending them first zsolt, alan man, thanks a bunch eh
stef   2006-05-16 04:02
hi all,i recently got that black and white problem too.
Strange thing is ,it always worked fine but recently i putted a playstation in the composites of the tv,while the videocard is connected to a scart.
Now ever since the playstation has been connected i lost my colorscreen,even after disconnecting the ps2 and reinstalling the drivers
Ray   2006-10-01 03:54

After searching the internet for hours I got pissed of and cut my s-video to RCA cable in

two. I found to get colour, rewire the cable. Use a 4pin svideo plug (even if the computer

has a 7pin). There seems to be no standard. It seems to work with pins 3 & 4 connected to

the middle RCA pin. And S-video pin 1 to the negative charge (the outside wire on the RCA

cable). Pin 2 goes to nothing. (trial and error). See wikipedia for what the pins are for.
WAIT!!! I've just discovered, this only works if you attatch display '2' in XP display

properties while pins 1 & 3 are connected, THEN after applying, connect wire 4. Very

P.S. Although this is not the first time I've experienced this problem on many computers,

this is the first time I've found a fix. This specific computer is a Compaq Presario R3000

Laptop with WXP Home and all the latest updates and drivers. Video is ATI Mobility Radeon

9000/9100 IGP. Date today: 2 Oct 2006 05:30 NZ time.

In short: rewire your cable, or buy a new one.
Melissa   2006-12-09 12:23
I had the black and white problem, too... and discovered that overscan will fix it. The strange thing is that everything was fine for over a year, then it suddenly stopped showing colour. Now, I have to click the Overscan button each time I want to use the second monitor (TV).

Maybe I'll try the S-Video cable solution mentioned above to see if I can get a permanent fix.
vj   2006-12-28 23:06
I have an Ati Radeon 9800 Pro. Also having black & white screen. Tried a lot. It still doesnt work for me.
Henri   2007-01-15 07:00
I had a working system here with my radeon X700 on Acer 5010, had a colours on TV etc. I send the laptop to Acer service and they changed motherboard because of keyboard wasn't working.

I got laptop back and had a vision of the evening with nice movie, some wine and snacks. I got it all, even a girl. Then I tried to connect laptop to TV. BLACK AND F***ING WHITE. No can do. Girl left early.

I have tried everything mentioned here. I even broke one, quite new S-video cable! Any further suggestion how to get colors back?
Rehan   2007-04-07 08:59
I was also suffering with the black and white issue... I managed to fix it by using an 8-pin S Video connector that comes with the retail version of the card. Its a non-standard one so that is why most of the common 4-pin connectors doesn't show the colors!
Bob Semel   2007-04-08 09:55
Ref: Paulo Freitag email 2005-03-20 16:45 I also have a ATI AIW Radeon 9800 Pro AGP as my primary card, (Monitor 1)and have a ATI Radeon 9250 PCI for my other two monitors.

I have the same setup: a ATI AIW 9800AGP as primary. Recently added a 9250PCI made by VisionTek. Based on Visiontek input I installed the 9250 as is, without drivers from included CD. Works perfectly. I plan to add 3rd monitor (my new LCD -HDTV) which has a VGA input. That will connect to the 2nd output on the 9250. Hopefully it will work OK. Anyone this yet? Seems like it should. (I was warned prior to adding the PCI card to make sure it is also an ATI card or I'd have problems - glad I listened.

Bob Semel
Shades   2007-04-20 12:21

I had the problem with the black and white tv. After reading everything I looked at the pins and found one of them was bent. Fixed that up and it worked first time.

DemonHunter   2007-05-20 20:34
BLACK and WHITE Problem

I have a x700 series and was so confident that my setup used to work on my previous PC that I did not bother to change anything.

I had this setup:
PC to
S-Video to
RCA (really long cable) to

I just plugged in the same S-Video into my "NEW" x700 card, and started seeing B&W

I quickly browsed through this post, and realized that I should check the stuff I got from ATI along with my video card. There is a connector that came with the card, which works just fine.

My New setup:
PC to
small S-Video connector/adaptor to
RCA cable to
RCA (really long cable) to

In other words, just use what you got from the vendor 'at' the video card, don't bother changing anything else.

Often the simplest solution is the best one
DemonHunter   2007-05-20 20:36
BTW, I forgot to mention -
If you have dozens of cables in your 'tools box', all the ATI cables have stickers on the cover (ATI:xxxx ...)
Florisz   2007-05-28 05:46
Hello everyone,

I had the same problem with black/white display on my TV and solved it with help of this website.

I have a dell m600 laptop with an ATI radeon mobility 9000 graphics card.WinXp Home. On a 4:3 philips PAL-B TV in the Netherlands.
I use a 4 pin s-video cable from laptop to a scart plug adapter where I plug in the other side of my s-video cable.

I tried everything with the settings but nothing worked. Then I read the advice to remove the 2 pins of the svideo cable.
Because I didn't want to destroy my svideo cable I removed scart pins 13 and 15 (next to each other) from the svideo to scart adapter. (just pushed them back into the scart plug)
After a couple of seconds I got colour!!!!!

Thank you all so much!!

Apriores   2007-08-13 18:58
The first of all, I tried the version of Joshua Entwistle and, indeed, it's functional. When I connect S-video in video card, only partial, I had color image. Then I saw that were 3 pozitions:
1 = blac & white;
2 = clearly color;
3 = color, but with lines on screen.

Then, I tried the Alan's version, and I bent 2 pins: C(2) and Y(1) (the scheme for S-video with 4 pins, you will find here: But, these 2 removings, conducted to variant 3 (color, but with lines on screen) and then I keep bent only one pin: the Y(1). Now, with the other 3 pins connected, I have a clearly color image.

With respect.
Dr Raj   2008-02-12 06:54
Hi,I am using TV as my secondary monitor.My TV is SHARP the colour in monitor 1 is colour and the picture in secondary monitor is black and white.It used to be colour before but suddenly colour disappered but if I use cable or DVD player my TV is displaying colour.Can anyone tell me what is the problem what settings did I missed.Thanks in advance.

Fran   2008-11-18 11:11
Hi All..

I have an ATI Radeon X600. I have the B&W problem. Funny, because I had colour before. Since moving house and fresh windows install, I have discovered its not working. I tried pulling some pins out of the scart block after trying every other suggestion. Sorry to say that didn't work either. =( I had given up on the scart option by this stage anyway.

My new hope. Going to buy DVI-I > RGB cable, and Scart to RGB cable, and those little phono female/female connectors to stick em together with.
In other words, use the DVI-I output instead of the s-video and go into the TV scart input that way. That should work, right? ...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitors with ATI RADEON 9000 cards

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