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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual display for win2k laptop
Sean S.   2003-06-13 02:26
Hi, My work gave me a Dell Latitude C610 laptop with win2k as the OS. I currently am not using the display on the laptop, just a seperate monitor but would like to be able to use both for working with AutoCAD. Is there anyway that I can get dual display running on this setup without spending any money?

fargis   2003-06-18 12:11
So far i've only ever been able to get display cloning to work on these (we have a few at work). I just don't think the graphics adapter is capable of handling two separate displays, and don't remember seeing such an option in the display settings either (though it's been a while since i looked).

Sorry i couldn't provide an actual solution, Sean! Just wanted to let you know i'm in the same situation (purely motivated by curiosity though, as i don't actually use a C610).

Could you maybe use a TV as secondary display? (that is, if simultaneous VGA and TV-out is possible) If it works it'll be dodgy, better than nothing i suppose; but i doubt you're that desperate!
Joe   2006-01-06 09:20
Actually, I set up a Latitude C610 today with Win2k Pro on it in a dual-display setup without much trouble. It's a weird configuration because it acts like one very wide monitor (resolution is 2560 x 1024) but it works. The clock is on the right-hand side monitor and the Start button is on the LCD. Just install the newest ATI drivers from Dell's support site and go into Display properties, Settings, Advanced, Displays and click the arrow below the picture of the CRT. If you click the Monitors tab, the computer might lock up. That kept happening to me, anyway. Gotta love Dell, ATI, and Microsoft all working together, eh?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual display for win2k laptop

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