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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI dual head gaming maybe possible via psuedo span mode trick
Dest   2003-06-13 02:44
I have Windows XP and Radeon 8500 64mb.

In a sense it's not a true spanmode like Win2k or Navdia's Nview option.

here's how I did it.
Use multiple software that allow you to adjust the strecth/shrink of the image like ATI control panel + powerstrip.

0) disable extend desktop if you are using it and set it to clone mode.

1) using power strip to set the desktop to a double width mode 1600x800 or 2048x768.

2) The VGA output would give a horiziontally squished result, so using power strip and ati control panel and whatever else you got available, and also using the monitor geometry control strecth it as far as possible(or until you it doesn't look squish horiziontally).

3) reposition the image on the monitor via power strip and ATI control panel as well as so that you only see the right half of the desktop on the VGA output.

4) the DVI output seems unable to handle the werid resoulation and default to a scrolling desktop(you may have experince this if you have a Laptop and try to switch to a higher resoulation than the LCD default) leave it as the left half.

start up your favor 3D games... violia :) psudeo dual head gamin.

I did it right before I went to bed last night using only ATI control panel/power strip/monitor geometry control for the image strectching, I could not quite get exactly half the desktop on the VGA output but that actually worked out a bit for the better since crosshairs and such would be divide right between the 2 monitor if I have true 50/50 split. with additonal software to strecth the image I imagine you can do a true 50/50 split

This won't work for regular window since the DVI output would scroll horiziontally.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI dual head gaming maybe possible via psuedo span mode trick

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