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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Win2K - Question on Dual Setup
Ed   2001-01-06 23:39
Hey Guys,
I'm having some problems getting both my monitors working correctly and I'm going crazy trying to figure it out.
I've got a Prophet II GForce 2 GTS 64MB and Courgar TNT2 32MB PCI setup right now. What happens now is that my AGP starts up (as through the BIOS) and then the PCI automatically kicks in when Win2K hits the desktop startup screen. However, all I get is either a black screen, or a half black - half purple screen. From there, I try to go into properties and extend the desktop, but Win2K just unchecks the box and nothing happens.
I've tried initializing the PCI first, which hasn't helped either. When I do that, the PCI loads up and @ the win2K 'starting up' screen, the AGP kicks in and loads the desktop, but the PCI display freezes @ the Win2K startup screen.
I've also tried switching the PCI card to a different PCI slot, which hasn't done anything either.
I thought that using the same drivers for both cards might cause a problem with win2K trying to reference the same file for both video cards. But I did have them working in Win98 without a problem. And initially Win2K used it's default drivers for the PCI card, and I still had the problem.
If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them .

Matt Hagadorn   2001-01-10 01:00
I experienced the same problem last night on my first attempt to install a dual monitor setup. My primary card is a Creative Graphics Blaster Riva TNT using nVidia reference drivers. The second card is an I/O Magic 3D HP based on the nVidia Vanta chip.

Upon booting with the I/O Magic installed, Win2k installed Microsoft's driver for the card. I had exactly the symptoms you describe (however my second monitor was half green, not purple :-). Win2k would kernel fault on subsequent reboot attempts. Booting into safe mode and installing the latest nVidia reference driver for the Vanta card solved the problem (this also had the effect of updating the drivers for my primary card, since they both use the same driver).
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Win2K - Question on Dual Setup

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