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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Matrox Parhelia 128 or 256
Rick Thompson   2003-06-15 13:47
I am considering using the Matrox Parhelia
video card for 3 - 19 inch analog monitors
for trading financials. The majority of
the video card work would be 2D graphs.

Anyone using the Matrox Parhelia for 2D
charts with 3 monitors?

Should I get the 128 meg memory or the
256 meg memory? The 128 is $400 and the
256 is $600.

Since I am not rich (yet), is the 256 worth the
extra bucks?

Rick Thompson
ecarlson   2003-06-15 14:07
For 2D graphics, I don't think there is any need for much memory at all. I think most of the video memory is used for 3D stuff. Someone please let me know if that is incorrect.

- Eric
Barton   2003-06-16 00:57
Eric's right. No need for 256 unless you're going into gaming.

Before I would drop $400 on a Parhelia, I would look at a dual head analog AGP and a simple PCI card. You should be able to pick up both of these for less than $200 and it should work great.

For $129, you can pick up an ASUS V9520 from Newegg and then another good PCI card, either nVidia based or ATI. The nice thing about the ASUS is that it supports both DVI and analog. If later you decide to upgrade to digital flats, you be 66.667% complete. (just have to get a PCI-DVI card.)

One good thing about having two cards, if one goes down, you still have the other one to use. Of course, this is only an option if you have the available PCI slot.

I just hate the thought of dumping $400 for a card that's not going to be used for serious gaming.

Good Luck!

ecarlson   2003-06-16 10:07
Also, you could step down to the new Matrox P750, which also supports 3 monitors, but cost a lot less than the Parhelia ($235 list).

- Eric
kudawg   2003-06-21 08:24
One thing about the 256mb, you wont see a differance in FPS!!! From the 128mb
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Matrox Parhelia 128 or 256

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