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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2nd head flickers at 60Hz (GF4Ti4200, W98SE, Det44.03)
Screami   2003-06-19 01:42
Hi all,

after searching half of the net and alsmost one year of this forums archive, I didnĀ“t find anything to help, so I decided to ask here.

My setup includes a Win98SE installation, Geforce4Ti 4200 and the latest nvidia detonator drivers (44.03). Connected to the card is a cheapo 19" via VGA-out and a CTX-1785S via DVI2VGA.
Both monitors are detected, Windows knows how to handle them, mirroring works as well as the dualview desktop expansion mode, even the matrix code shows up on both... ;)

The only major annoyance is the GF delivering only 60Hz to the 2nd head, no matter, if 2nd head is DVI or VGA out (yes, switching primary works fine, too), which was my first guess.

There was after intense tryouts a situation when both of them showed up at 100Hz, but after reboot it was 60Hz again. Since I was trying pretty hard switching almost anything from off to on and vice-versa, switching monitors from vga to dvi and back while tweaking around with some tweak software I found through my researches, the "both heads at 100Hz"-situation appeared to be impossible to reproduce.

I did not try different driver versions, because I saw it working with my setup, but how do I enable it again and make it stay while rebooting?

PS: Upgrading to XP would be a considerable suggestion, but this would actually be the only reason to do so, so any W98SE solutions would be appreciated very much!

-screami, with eye-lids almost synced to 60Hz *grrr*
fargis   2003-06-19 02:09
Hi there,

Just a few questions:

1. What resolutions are you attempting to run at? Go to Display Properties, "Settings" tab, then (for each display in turn), double-click and select "Adapter" tab, you should see a button marked "List All Modes...", check it out to see what resolutions/refresh combos you are allowed to use.

2. Are you using Windows' default monitor drivers? Try to either select "Plug and Play Monitor" or see if you can find the official drivers for your monitors - you might see a difference in available display modes.

3. Have you tried using different, higher quality, monitor cables? (if your existing ones aren't already hardwired into the monitor that is). If any of my monitors flickered at 60Hz (my standard refresh rate), that's the first thing i'd try; or i would suspect a possible fault on the monitor itself. Unless of course, your eye sight is different to mine!

I suppose you could try removing your display drivers altogether, and reinstalling them. The very latest drivers may not necessarily be the best ones to solve your problem. But to be honest, i'd ditch '98, go with the XP upgrade (fresh install of course) and work from there.
Screami   2003-06-19 03:21
Hi fargis,

thanks for your quick reply.
Answers short: Both monitors do have the right drivers (took me pretty long to find them). Properties tabs show them running at 1024x768x32, 100Hz - only that head 2 (no matter which monitor!) runs at 60Hz almost all the time - saw it working at 100 once till reboot.

The cables used are cheap dvi2vga adapter and cheap vga<->vga - possible source, I know - BUT... what I am guessing is a software (probably even driver) configuration thing, since I saw the whole setup working after fiddling around with config tweaks and switches (yes, I do think I have bit of a a clue about that) with the same cheap cables and the dvi2vga attached. Simply I am not able to reproduce it or even store this config permanently.

fargis   2003-06-19 08:01
No worries, don't mind suggesting stuff.

I'd be tempted to try hooking up a spare hard disk, putting Windows XP on it and see what happens, or maybe even Windows 98 - why not experiment with both? Especially if you can't remember what you did to make it work while tweaking settings. I do see your point about having it work once already, but i always like to rule out the simple stuff first (such as cables and connections, especially if the display flickers).

Knowing what nVidia's drivers are like, another thing to try is get hold of some earlier revisions and try those. One classic case for me was a GeForce2 MX dual head, happily ran at (1) 1600x1200 and (2) 1600x1024. Upgraded to latest nVidia drivers one day, and suddenly head (1) max resolution drops to 1600x1024. Other fun moments have included losing TV out altogether. Solution in both cases was reinstall previous driver.

Just a final note, maybe i read wrong but you say "Properties tabs show them running at 1024x768x32, 100Hz - only that head 2 (no matter which monitor!) runs at 60Hz almost all the time". Do you mean that 100Hz is actually being output, and the monitor "appears" to be displaying at 60Hz? If so then it's definitely cable/connection.
ecarlson   2003-06-19 13:58
Just for fun, try switching both monitors to 1024x768 at 75.hz or 85.hz to see if it is possible. I run a Ti4200 in Windows 2000 with both monitors at 1024x768, with one at 75.hz and one at 85.hz.

I tried to set one monitor to 1280x1024 @85.hz, and even though it said 85.hz in Windows, I could see it flickering badly, and the monitor's on-screen display said it was running at only 60.hz. Maybe you are having a similar problem.

Maybe the Ti4200 cards just can't handle two monitors at high-res with high refresh. Hopefully that's not the case.

Please let us know what happens.

- Eric
ecarlson   2003-06-19 14:00
Also, you might try downloading new monitor profiles from the monitor companies' web sites to see if they help, though not all monitor companies provide profiles for all their monitors.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2nd head flickers at 60Hz (GF4Ti4200, W98SE, Det44.03)

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