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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Swordfish Screensaver
AElia   2003-06-19 06:47
Does anybody know if a screensaver like the one in the movie swordfish is available. The one that circled all the monitors???
kopyright76   2004-11-08 05:26
yeah where can you find it or was it just a well timed animtion on multiple pc's?
Jeff   2004-11-17 13:29
Either way, it'd be easy to time it with about half an hour's worth of work.
Kyle   2004-11-18 01:37
Can anyone remind me of what the screensaver looks like or post an image of it. I have seen the movie but don't recall what it looks like.
Jake   2004-12-06 13:20
There is a OpenGL 3D fish aquarium that was released a few weeks ago that supports dual-monitors so you can have a giant aquarium. (pretty cool)

Most of the boring standard screensavers that came bundled with Windows can handle multiple monitors. (either performing as if the two monitors was one giant screen or having two versions of the same screensaver playing at the same time) I have the 3D Pipes screensaver going on my two monitors and it LOOKS like its one giant screensaver. (even though its not)
anvil   2004-12-10 22:53
the swordfish screensaver is like a space comet thing going round each of the 4 screens like a circle kind of
Scout   2006-03-09 02:34
has anyone been able to find that swordfish screensaver? the download link at IGN is dead :-/

plz drop me a msg if u could get it

many thanks!
hohokus   2006-03-09 10:04
yay for google.
Seahorse   2006-03-10 10:01
Not especially impressive and it doesn't support multiple monitors...

Dead-Fish.Com Deep sea Daddies...
phaeton   2006-04-22 01:43
Unfortunately that's not the screensaver he was asking for. That's why it might be a little less than satisfactory. I've looked several times over the last 2 years and have never been able to find it.
Peter   2006-05-25 10:37
try flurry
gd   2006-08-25 08:10
>the swordfish screensaver is like a space comet >thing going round each of the 4 screens like a >circle kind of

anyone ?

greetinx, gd
Brandon   2007-03-02 10:11
I'm also looking for the screensaver used in the movie Swordfish. Or even a clip of something similar that could be ran from videosaver.

Seahorse   2007-03-03 22:25
The Flurry one is quite nice, a simplified version of the sadly defunct Voodoo Lights...which unfortunately, does not support multiple monitors...:{

www.Dead-Fish.Com Deep Sea Daddies...
Ryan   2007-03-25 06:57
In swordfish it was actually 7 monitors and it was a comet floating around all 7 running linux.

Ryan (stepchiild)
Rockhead   2007-04-12 01:54
You know it probably wasn't a screensaver they were running on the film it was probably a video they were displaying on the monitors.

It would be easier for them to get one of their vid-tech guys to make a simple video to display rather than hire someone to program a screensaver from scratch.
The Owner   2007-08-06 11:07
And you thought it was Linux cause you didn't see the windows logo anywhere? All the running system that you saw there is a fake, a video not an operating system. Do you think he was worried about graphical environment when he was programming his worm a 3D Worm ?!?!?!?! By the way, did you note in the last minutes of the picture when they were at the bank. He has to edit his program before they kill Ginger, he has one minute to do it, and when the screen of the computer is shown, he is adding comments to code, WTF?!?!?!
gcdryden   2007-08-11 16:15
actually, I remember a while back there was a screensaver out that would do what he is talking about. you would be linked to different computers on the interent running the same screensaver and you purchase fish to apply to the screen saver and your fish would swim to other user desktops.
Trowa Barton   2007-12-10 23:38
The swordfish screensaver is so far the coolest I have ever seen. I found no screensaver that can matched it
Captain Death   2008-01-26 19:11
Actually, that screensaver is available for multiple monitors, just like in the movie, and it's for Linux. I remember seeing a link to it on a linux forum several years ago. I wish I could give you a url or some info, but don't even remember the name of it.
N8   2008-01-29 19:56

"Courtesy of Warner Brothers, we're pleased to offer a second official Swordfish screensaver. It's slick. It's computery. It's hacker chic. Having seen the film, I can say that part of the screensaver's animation resembles computer screen imagery from a scene in which Stanley, under considerable pressure from Shear, attempts to hack into a company's mainframe. "

I think that may be it, but whenever I go to download it asks me to log in (again..), so I can't get it to work.

Can anyone else get it to download?

J.D   2010-06-16 10:37 it doesn t open...
Is there another site? for the sowrdfish screensaver?
Marco   2011-09-15 00:13
Did you find anything??? All links are dead...

maybe I should change my goal and program it myself... lol
filth   2011-09-25 21:01
You guys are kinda pathetic: I found this thread on Google while looking for a more interesting screensaver, and thought I'd see if your link was discoverable. Took me all of ten seconds to find a working download. Enjoy.
JT   2020-05-05 10:25

pathetic = linking to an exe that's riddled with trojans
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Swordfish Screensaver

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