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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Changing primary display programmatically
Stefan   2003-06-24 02:33
Hi all, I'm trying to switch the primary display programmatically using a Windows GDI function called ChangeDisplaySettingsEx. I'm setting dwflags to CDS_SET_PRIMARY and the function returns DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL, but obviously the primary display is still the same. At least in the display properties.

Has anybody ever tried to do this and has some advice or code snippet in C++ or VB?

Thx a lot!
ecarlson   2003-06-24 11:59
Is this a repeat? I thought someone asked the same question a few months ago.

- Eric
Stefan   2003-06-24 19:45
The question from the guy a few month ago was about creating a shortcut to launch the "Switch Primary.vbs" add-on, which is based on UltraMon.

I don't have UltraMon. And even if I had it, the "Switch Primary" script won't work for me since I have 3-5 monitors, but he script only works for 2.

I wonder how UltraMon does this? I found another tool at that is able to set monitor size, position and so on, but also fails to set the primary monitor. Obviously the same problem.

Christian Studer   2003-06-25 01:01
The script is limited to two monitors because it sets either monitor 1 or 2 as primary.

To set any monitor as primary using UltraMon, you would use VB code like this:

Set sys = CreateObject("UltraMon.System")
sys.Monitors("3").Primary = True

Christian Studer -
Stefan   2003-06-26 18:25
Thanks for explaining how it works with UltraMon.

However, this still does not tell me how to do it using the ChangeDisplaySettingsEx GDI function (to be honest, if I were the author of UltraMon I would probably also try to avoid telling people how one of it's features works ;-).

But I found another (independent) source that explains the trick with ChangeDisplaySettingsEx:

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Changing primary display programmatically

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