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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> VOODOO 5500 and 3500....hangs on start up
Matthew   2001-01-10 00:03
I have a 700e over clocked to 933, ASUS p3v4x board, 128 @ 133mhz, 20 gig HD, win 98. I was running a Voodoo 3000 pci and then switched to a 5500 AGP. I took out the 3000 and the drivers and installed the 5500. I later decided to put the 3000 back in so I could run with dual monitors. I had little or no problems eccept that the main monitor was the 3000. I tried to reinstall the cards and drivers in diffrent sequences untill I remembered the you can fix this under bios. I have tried varrious drivers (older ones as well as the most up to date ones)I ended up switching the bios to search for AGP first and Pci second. The pc hangs after win 98 loads (both screens go blank) I get the message that the other monitor is working etc. I took off all programs at statr up. I have only a few running (at start up I have 88% resource free). I tried to go back to having the 3000 as my main but that wont work now. ARGH. I tried to email some others who have close to the same set up but I have no answer to my e-mails. I have tried 3dfx support and microsoft but htey were unable to help. Is there a path you can direct me to? and does this sound like a memory problem?

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> VOODOO 5500 and 3500....hangs on start up

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