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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual consoles in Linux
DS   2003-07-02 14:46
This is not for X (which Christian's guide helps alot with).

I want two cmd lines (consoles). So perhaps I can have a man page on one and doing something else on the other. I've read around a bit about frame buffers and what not, but nothing is very clear about doing this (if its even possible).

Has anyone done this, know how, pointers, links, anything?

For reference, I'm trying this with a geforce4 mx 440. It boots up and both screens mirror each other, not independent.

r0gu3   2003-12-26 15:16

There is are several ways to do this, albiet not with your current hardware...

For instances, you could simply run X with 2 xterms covering each monitor.

But Other approaches include this:
and for reference :

- r0gu3
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual consoles in Linux

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