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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> triple monitor gaming patches
wildfire   2003-07-07 20:32
a while back i have seen websites that carry patches allowing you to have triple monitor gaming (center monitor running regular game, while two monitors on the sides show peripheral vision or what you see on the side). This means you can see more than you usually can't. ever since the release of the matrox parhelia, these sites have been a little harder to find since matrox keeps coming in the search results regarding triple monitor gaming. does anyone know where i can get a patch to modify a game in this way.

currently running an ATI radeon 9700 using two monitors (middle and left monitors) and a geforce 4 mx420 pci running the monitor on the right.

this configuration works well in normal applications but not so sure how it work if it were to run in a patched game. please let me know if you know where you can find a site carrying these patches.

thanks in advance
Nick   2003-08-27 18:15
Sorry I can't answer your question for you, but i was wondering about ur setup for triple monitor gaming as i wanted to do something similar. I was thinking of one or two Radeon 9200 PCI cards for the side monitors, how well does your pci card perform? Can it handle 1280x1024 res fine on most games?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> triple monitor gaming patches

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