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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> G200 MMS worth buying or too slow?
GregD   2003-07-09 01:43
Hey guys

Im just debating whether I should buy a Matrox G200MMS QUAD PCI to go with my AIW radeon 32meg DDR... or should I get the G450MMS DUAL PCI? Both are for sale at the same price on the matrox shop site.

The only difference is the G200 is 8meg per output and the G450 is 32meg per output.

Would the G200 just be too slow to handle the likes of photoshop dreamweaver IE since it is only 8meg?

I know the G200 is compatible with the AIW radeon and some people say in the forum the G450MMS is also but its not listed in the database (this is the only reason im sort of hesitant on the G450MMS).

Any advice appreciated thanks!
Barton   2003-07-09 02:38
Personally, I don't think you would have any problem. Since Dreamweaver, Photoshop, IE, ertc... don't really task the video engine on a card, you should be fine. If you tried to do some serious gaming like QuakeIII or Unreal Tournament, that would be a different story.

In my work office, I run DWMX, PS7 and numerous other "web development" programs and use the intregrated video from the motherbaord and it works just fine. I usually end up taking work home though so I can utilize my multi-monitor setup. It's more fun developing in a multiple monitor enviorment.

darnt   2003-07-09 08:00
The main problem with a 8mb output is that you are limited in resolution. I only have had a single head G200 PCI with 8MB and I couldn't get it to run on 1600x1200x32@75. could also have to do with the ramdac. 1600x1200x16@75 did work. but 16bit color isn't enough.
ecarlson   2003-07-09 12:15
Exactly. In your case, you need the RAM to get high resolution at high color-depth, not for performance. If you were playing 3d Video cames, you'd need more ram than either card has to enhance 3D performance, but with 2D, you just need enough memory to get the resolution and color-depth that you need.

- Eric
ecarlson   2003-07-09 12:38
In case my last post wasn't clear, I was agreeing with darnt that you should probably get the card that has 32.Meg per port, so you can run at high-res with high color-depth. And I also agreed that performance shouldn't be a problem with either card, since you don't do 3D games.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> G200 MMS worth buying or too slow?

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