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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two physical monitors but Windows shows 3
dderolph   2003-07-09 07:37
I'm new at working with multiple monitors. Just yesterday, I decided to try this, using a rather old ATI XPert 98 pci card with 8 MB for the second monitor (also had an extra monitor sitting around). My main video card is a PNY GeForce4 MX440se 64MB DDR AGP Video Card.

I installed the ATI card, downloaded a driver from ATI's site and got it installed. Device Manager (Win 98SE) shows the two cards under Display adapters and indicates both are working correctly.

My question concerns Display Properties. It shows 3 monitor symbols and lists 3 monitors under the Settings tab. #1 and #3 are the valid ones. #2 reads "(Unknown monitor) on NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440". Why is that #2 shown there? Is this a problem I should try to resolve?

The dual monitor setup seems to be working okay. I'm using both monitors at the same time. I can disable #3 from the Display Properties, Settings tab panel, and go back to 1 monitor as usual.
Christian Studer   2003-07-09 09:47
This is standard behavior for Nvidia drivers on Windows 98/Me, and shouldn't be a problem.

You might get 2 monitors even if you have an Nvidia card which only supports a single monitor.

Christian Studer -
dderolph   2003-07-09 10:24
Okay. Thanks.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two physical monitors but Windows shows 3

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