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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> My monitor keeps freezing
Aron Palmer   2001-01-23 14:36
i have a pIII 800 with an asus clus2 motherboard
my primary card is a voodoo 5500 AGP
my seconday card is S3 Trio 64V+

im using windows me on a fresh new 20gig HD

my monitor works windows starts i can drop icons and take icons off my secondry monitor but as soon as i try to run a program paint / netscape / winamp or what ever it freezes can you help if you can a

lso this has nothing to do with monitors but when i go into bios it comes up with a error about my ram saying that its not configird properly i have 128 pc 133 doknow the settings i have to set thanks


Aron Palmer
PrimalDOG   2001-01-23 21:05
i had the same problem i replaced the s3 and every thing started to work give that a try

Primal Dog
Aron Palmer   2001-01-24 08:19
thanks what card did you use

Aron Palmer
Aron Palmer   2001-01-24 08:47
what sort of cards can i use with a voodoo 5500 low cost cards

Aron Palmer
PrimalDOG   2001-01-24 12:45
now i have a ati all in wonder a fire gl pro and a matrox but it was just the s3 that was making the pc freeze up i changed the rest becawse of the at all in wonder i wanted it to work with the software

Primal Dog
Aron palmer   2001-01-24 12:51
Great Thanks
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> My monitor keeps freezing

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