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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can I run dual monitors using an ATI AGP card and the onboard VGA on my K7N2G Mobo?
T W   2003-07-17 12:12
Please help,

The topic says most of it.

I want to run an ATI 8500 AIW AGP card as my primary but still use the onboard VGA as the secondary monitor. I've tried all bios settings I can and installed Ultra mon but the onboard VGA does not apear to be initializing.
ecarlson   2003-07-17 15:15
The onboard VGA is probably also AGP, and if it is, you can only run one AGP interface at a time. You might need to add a PCI card, or get a dual-output AGP card.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Can I run dual monitors using an ATI AGP card and the onboard VGA on my K7N2G Mobo?

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