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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Primary Display resolution
Ian   2003-07-22 20:43
I'm using a Trident CyberBlade XP Ai1 on my Toshiba laptop. Everytime I start up the resolution of the primery display (Laptop LCD) is set to 640x480 and 15 colour. The task bar is on the secondary display and there is a 640x480 hole in the middle of the secondary display, plu s all the icons have moved. I have tried updating the BIOS and the video drivers. I installed UltraMon to try and get round this problem, but all that happens is that the icons move to the right locations and then move back and the two task bars appear on the secondary monitor, one stacked on top of the other.

Also I am unable to set the external monitor as the primary display, the option is greyed out, both in the windows display settings and UltraMon's Set Primary Display menu.

Any Ideas anybody?


Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Primary Display resolution

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