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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Videocard Upgrade...Single Card or Multiple Cards?
Brett   2003-07-25 03:15
I currently have on my system:

AGP 4x GeForce2 Ultra 64mb (by DVI)
PCI 3D Rage IIC PCI (by STD)

Both panels are Samsungs 191T's although
one is 6 months old, the other is about
a week old. I can't not match the colors
PERFECTLY though if my life depended on it!

So (should I)...

AGP 4x GeForce2 Ultra 64mb (by DVI)
PCI GeForce2 M400 64mb (by STD)


AGP 8x ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 256mb

Keep in mind I am well aware there is a great difference in cost between these two solutions. I was going to upgrade the 'Ultra' this Fall so that would just be a little earlier than planned.

MY QUESTION: Will a 'single' ultimate card be better than a dedicated card for each monitor?

Other suggestions of combinations are welcomed as well...
Mindabsence   2003-07-25 08:02
I'm running 2 seperate cards for my 2 monitors:

I have noticed that with 2 cards, at least the 2 older ones i'm using, that with some games spanned over the 2 monitors one card tends to get ahead of the other card quite a bit, so I can't really do any gaming with them, you didn't really say what you were gonna be using them for though. If it were up to me I would probably go for the Radeon 9800 Pro, it has 256mb so it's definitally ahead of most cards out there memory wise.

I hope that has been of some help!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Videocard Upgrade...Single Card or Multiple Cards?

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