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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ::Newbie:: need some advices...
damien   2001-01-27 05:41

My question is certainly going to seem really 'dumb' to you. (i'm totally computer illiterate!)
Here it is:
I've got an old PC running windows98SE and would love to have a second monitor. I have been browsing this site trying to find something that would be making sense to way! :O(
I would like to know what i need to look for, as do i need to have two video cards or do there is a way i use the one i've got for both monitor?
What is the cheapest way to get a second montior working on my computer?
Any advice/tip would be much appreciated.

Thanks a lot. :O)
gospeedracergo1   2001-01-27 14:05
Well, I can't help you out too much, as I'm pretty much a newbie as far as dual monitor setups go, but I can tell you a few things:

I all likely hood, yes, you'll need a second video card. The only exception is if the one you alreay have has dual monitor cabability. If there are two vga (monitor) plugs in the back, your video card does support this.

Otherwise, you'll have to get another video card. Don't get anything that's APG, becuase there's only one apg slot in computers.

'Hope that helped some.

Materialism is dumb
Christian Studer   2001-01-28 05:16
The important thing is to get a card that works fine as secondary, look for something from the shopping guide.

Christian Studer
damien   2001-01-29 06:39
Thank you guy's, you are great! :O)

Over the week-end i tried to get more infos from a computer store, but those guys simply told me that they never heard about 'dual monitor'! Then i gave them the URL of the gallery on this site...hehehehhe.

I'm a little broke this month, but that seem like a good new. This way i will have some time to think about this and find the right video card!

I will be back soon on the forum...and hopefully i will be able to add a pic to the gallery! :O)
Thanks again!
diablo   2001-02-16 06:47
hi, i've dual monitors but the powerled of the 2nd moniter starts to flashing and can't see a thing.
what have i done wrong?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ::Newbie:: need some advices...

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