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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual monitor w/ radeon 9500 pro 128 mb (winXP home)
jak   2003-08-14 04:12
I'm trying to setup dual monitors on my radeon 9500 pro 128 MB for the first time, and i'm running into a problem. i haven't been able to get a screen up on my LCD, which is hooked up to the digital out on the graphics card. the CRT is coming up normally, though.

I have the CRT setup as primary through the analog out, and the LCD as secondary on digital out of the graphics card. on POST, both screens come up fine, and on bootup of winXP, both screens come up (that first Win XP screen with the logo and the animated bar on the bottom). But, once the login screen appears, the LCD screen blanks out. the LCD is still getting input, though, as the green light on the monitor still stays on. also, i can move the mouse pointer onto the extended desktop into the LCD screen, although i cannot see it come up.

Does anyone have any ideas??

Douglas   2003-08-14 05:01
Can you see the second port in Display Properties? You should be able to extend the desktop from there.

Douglas Jordan
Colorgraphic, VP Engineering
jak   2003-08-15 03:31
Hey Douglas--
no go. i've checked the device manager, and both ports on the card are being recognized. additionally both monitors are coming up in the device manager. from what i can see, there's no reason why the digital lcd is not coming up at all . . . i've installed hydravision, and am wondering if that may be conflicting with something . . .

Douglas   2003-08-15 05:04
Look in the registry under this key:

Check the value:
If its set to 1, change it to 0 and reboot.

The default for the 9500 is 1.

Douglas Jordan
Colorgraphic, VP Engineering
jak   2003-08-16 15:50
hmm . .
i tried that, and still no go . . .
i noticed some kind of "defaultbootonedisplay" variable (or something like) set to 1 in the reg . . . is that something i should try chaning?

not sure what else to try . . .
any other ideas?

Ing   2003-09-01 14:32
I thought that you could not do dual monitors with XP home, you had to have XP pro! At least that's what I read somewhere...
Gustav   2003-12-23 05:22
i coulndnt find the registry in reg edit didnt exist (running radeon 9700) win xp home
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual monitor w/ radeon 9500 pro 128 mb (winXP home)

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