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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Many Problems with a GeForce DDR + 3dfx Voodoo Rush setup.
gospeedracergo1   2001-01-28 02:15
I hate conputers.

Well, I ended up haveing a spare video card and monitor, so I decided to try a multimonitor setup.
"Try" is as far as I've gotten.

GeForce as Primary:

This got me about nowhere. The Rush card ends up with an exclamation point next to it in the device manager with an error something like this:

This card does not support multi monitors. Conact the manufa....

This happens with my original drivers and the latest drivers from 3DFX.

Rush as Primary:

This is a bit more intresting. Boot process goes normally, with the correct message on the scondary monitor. This is as good as it gets. The GeForce now has an exclamation point, with an error something like this:

The memory normally used by video is being used by another prgram or device. Remove EMM386.exe and other memory manegers from your config.sys.

It tried romoving the emm386.exe call from the config.sys, but my pc wouldn't boot without it. I also tried clearing the config.sys. The pc didn't like that either. I then tried disabling any memory shadowing in the bios. No help.

Here's my system:

Hurculies 3D Prophet (Geforce DDR) with the nVidia Detonator Drivers, v6.72

Intergraph Intence 3D Voodoo with the latest 3DFX refrence drivers (dated July 7th, 1999)

AMD Athlon K7 700mhz

128mb PC133 RAM

Aopen AK72 motherboard

Soundblaster Live! xGamer

ATI TV-Wonder

Linksys Etherfast nic


DirextX v7a

My email address is

Materialism is dumb
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Many Problems with a GeForce DDR + 3dfx Voodoo Rush setup.

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