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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitor Problems
R.Goff   2003-08-17 13:46
I'm having trouble getting 3 monitors to work

I have a GeForce 3 Ti 200 and an SiS 6326 working fine in XP.

The SiS works fine as the secondary card (ie, AGP is initialised first) so im trying to put an S3 Virge in as a 3rd monitor. So i set BIOS it init PCI first, then put the S3 in the first PCI slot. Problem is that when XP starts up, as soon as it inits the other two cards it freezes completely.

Other configurations of cards gives Code 10 errors.

Anyone else had this problem and solved it?
Nevets   2003-08-22 08:42
Hey, if anyone out there knows how to fix this I would like to know, I have the same problem. My first two mons are on a Radeon 9700, so I tried adding a S3 Virge, and it says the card cannot start. Any help would be appreciated.
sonic   2003-08-26 00:41
It sounds like the same problem I've got.
I have an ATI rage AGP,nvidia riva tnt I tried addind a third card SIS 6326 but no joy.Its the problem with the card being a Primary card what we both need is a card listed as a secondary compatible.
See the FAQ for compatible cards..

Hope this Helps

Ing   2003-09-01 14:19
I had the same problem with multiple types of cards in various configurations.. At least for me.. I have this problem if I put the PCI card in the top slots (closest to the cpu). I would try using a the last slot and working your way up.. worked for me with both ATI and Geoforce4 cards. Good luck...
Simon Yee Choong Yein   2003-09-07 01:00
sis still suck

Nvidia and SIS cannot work together
Simon Yee Choong Yein   2003-09-07 01:01
look the problem is sis chipset is the main problem
ales   2003-09-10 06:43
S3 Virge did not worked for me either so I used Ati Rage pro card and it works perfectly.
P Roth   2003-09-13 17:15
I have a Geforce 4mmx and an S3virge/gx running 3 monitors. You can't put the pci card in the first slot. The AGP slot shares resources with that PCI slot. Also THe BIOS must be set to boot to the PCI card because it uses resources from the BIOS.
Neil   2003-09-18 09:07
Ah, the magic of 3 seperate cards...

I was using a GeForce 3 Ti 500 (AGP), an ATI 3D Rage Pro (PCI) and a nVidia Tnt2 (PCI) on an ABIT KT7Raid with WinXP. Here is my story...

I could make it work with the ATI in the lowest PCI slot (5) and the TnT2 in the middle slot (3), but everytime I rebooted the TnT2 would code 10, which seems to be some kind of resource allocation error, if I uninstalled the TnT2 and reinstalled it (with nVidia setup) it would eventually come back to life (about 5-6 reinstalls was average) and all would be well until I rebooted the machine when it would all begin again. Lost many a Sunday afternoon getting all 3 to come back to life after a windows update session.

Stuff I tried...
Changing the order of the cards, esp. putting the TnT2 close to the AGP slot than ATI card was would result in the TnT2 working fine but the ATI NEVER starting (code 10) no matter what I did.

As for BIOS settings, the only ones that seem to have any effect are 'Assign IRQ to VGA' and 'Init display first' which must be set to 'God damn yes' and 'PCI' respectivly.

What I did next...
I bought an ATI 9600 in the hope that running only two cards (one AGP and one PCI) would ease my pain.

Nope. The ATI now occasionally works (same sort of reboot and loose it as with the TnT2 before) and the TnT2 refuses to work *at all*.

It is worth mentioning that adding a 2nd card to an existing XP install works better than install XP onto a computer with two cards. This one may be subjective but it *feels* likes it more stable if the machine jas jad a chance to 'settle' with only one card before you spring a second on it.

For those who were brave enough to read this far my conclusion is that until I can find more information on how Windows behaves with two PCI cards, how the BIOS handles starting to multiple cards or until Microsoft release more information on trouble shooting Code 10's which appear to be becoming infamouse on the internet I (and possible you) will have to live with flaky 3 monitor support.

Oh, and my helpful suggestions were 1. add cards to 'stable' XP installs rather than install XP with multiple cards, make sure the two BIOS settings that count are set right, play musical cards to see if you can find a config that works and try installing drivers several times.

Hope that helps,

P.s. if this forum tells me I have exceeded some kind of character limit I will go nuts.
Luan   2003-10-23 20:08

I have a problem with finding a driver for a ATI 3D Rage iic AGP and problem is that im running winxp but the screen looks like it is shaking i came to the conclosion that the driver is not right if i load win2000 the screen is still but if i load xp it is shaking so it is not the card or the screen but windows xp is loading a incompatible driver and force the card to use it but i cant find a driver that will work could some help but please do though me e-mail cause i will get it for sure ! or You can phone me Thanx

Luan Rousseau
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitor Problems

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