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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> tv tuner card.... no video with secondary enabled
Ing   2003-08-20 09:53
running 2 ati cards (PCI AIW 128/Radeon 7500 AGP) with xp. The tv tuner used to work fine.. now there is audio, but no video on the card with the tuner (primary). It will work is I disable the secondary. Any ideas?
Revenent   2003-08-21 06:11
Do you have the BIOS set to start up with the PCI as the primary video card?

I remember something about the AIW card always having to be primary card in the system before the thing would work.
Ing   2003-09-01 14:24
Yup, The PCI card is the primary boot card.. spent many hours messing with this.. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.. so I swaped it with a Geoforce4 card in my server and got a cheepo TV tuner card instead... Worked out good after fighting with the tuner to work.. but a XP reload fixed it. BTW when running ME.. no problemos with my cards/apps except they are noticeable slower than when using XP. Ing
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> tv tuner card.... no video with secondary enabled

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