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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitor Cleartype
Julian james   2003-08-25 15:42
Ive got a viewsonic vx900 and a Dell fp1800, unfortunately the viewsonic uses the RGB setting for cleartype and the Dell uses the BGR setting for cleartype, as a result i cannot turn cleartype on on my dual monitor setup as it improves one screen but degrades the other. Is there a way of turning cleartype on for one screen but not the other or having different settings for each screen on a dual monitor setup?
I run xp and use a matrox g400.
ecarlson   2003-08-27 14:03
That's a good question. I never thought about that situation. I would guess that, at least for now, you can't set seperate cleartype settings for each output.

It would be a great feature though, especially for people who use an LCD along with a CRT, or different types of LCD like you.

- Eric
Douglas   2003-08-28 07:58
You will need to run the outputs as individual heads versus a stretched desktop. Not sure if G400 drivers can do this or not.

Douglas Jordan
Colorgraphic, VP Engineering
Julian james   2003-09-01 12:02
Do you know of any matrox cards that can do this? Im prepared to upgrade my card.
ecarlson   2003-09-02 12:52
Are you sure your card can't be setup to act as two seperate cards. My PNY Ti4200 has that capability. Get yourself a nice NVidia based card. They start under $100 for nice cards.

- Eric
Dan   2003-09-25 12:07
I've run into the same problem, I just added a Sony SDM-S93 LCD in use alongside an Iiyama VM450 CRT, if I enable ClearType the Sony improves dramatically while the Iiyama degrades and vice versa.

Both monitors are being run from separate GeForce4 cards, one AGP and PCI... I cannot find a way to set the ClearType independently.

Very frustrating! Guess I'll start having to save up for another Sony.

Jim   2004-03-23 08:33
Has there been any progress or workaround to resolving this issue? Thanks.
Jim Smothers   2004-04-19 12:42
There's no way to separately control BGR and RGB settings per monitor, per display card, etc. There's only one area in the registry for it (actually three values beginning with "FontSmoothing" under HkeyCurrentUser/Control Panel/Desktop) and they apply globally to the current logged-on user.

If the UltraMon app could work around this, it would make a lot of people happy.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitor Cleartype

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