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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> help me!
Mindabsence   2003-09-02 10:15
I've been trying to get multiple monitors set up on a friends machine because he has all the equipment but has never attempted to do multi-mon.
there is one problem. Here are the cards we have attempted to use:
*PCI diamond Stealth SE (S3 Trio Chip)
*PCI ATI 3D Rage
We have tried to get the setup working with one card then another but windows xp seems to not like those cards, when we go into device manager there is a little yellow exclamation mark beside the video card and we have tried to get the newest drivers but still nothing. His primary video card is an AGP ATI All In Wonder Radion 32mb. We have tried placing those cards and testing them individualy in PCI slots 1 and 4 and neither of them work.

Could there be some issue with those cards not being XP compatable or is there something that I could be forgeting to do because I'm fairly new into multiple monitors, I know my machine was a simple plug in the card and monitors and it worked. Doesn't look like its gonna be as easy for him though!

please help me!
ecarlson   2003-09-02 12:48
I assume you've already tried setting PCI as primary in BIOS setup. If so, those are pretty old cards, and are probably the problem.

- Eric
Mindabsence   2003-09-04 10:10
Setting PCI as primary in the BIOS was the problem, bcause when I did mine for some reason they were set to primary from an older card so I never really knew all that much about that setting but now that we did it it works.
Now his tv on the primary AGP ATI All In Wonder Radion doesn't work.. We are going to check for driver updates but does anyone know could this be from running multi-monitors now (both cards are ATI) Or should we try it in another slot other than the 1st PCI slot or should we try the Diamond Stealth that we have laying around????

Thanks again!
ecarlson   2003-09-04 10:47
Glad you got dual monitors working. I think there have been some posts about having problems like you are now having. Search through the messages to see.

- Eric
Mindabsence   2003-09-05 08:16
We've searched through and nobody really seems to have an answer to it mainly just that that card won't work with another card which sucks. I did read that one guy had a matrox card mixed with that one and it did work, does anyone know about that at all should we hunt around and see if we can borrow a matrox to test with it?
Mindabsence   2003-09-06 07:35
We got our hands on an old Matrox card to use for the PCI card and that doesn't work so I think the case is closed that we can not do multiple monitors with the AIWR card in there but we can't loose that.
ecarlson   2003-09-06 08:28
I thought I saw a recent post where someone got a seperate TV card, and that allowed them to watch TV on any monitor.

- Eric
Mindabsence   2003-09-06 09:31
He uses all the other features available on his radeon card not just the TV, but it doesn't matter they we're just spare parts laying around so we thought we'd try it, not really gonna put any $$ into it.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> help me!

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