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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Twin monitors instead of dual?
Peter   2003-09-04 10:54

I want to use a pair of monitors on my PC (Windows 2000 Prof) to show the SAME image on both screens. I can set the monitors up so my desktop is extended onto the second monitor, but how can I get both monitors to show the same screen, so that any changes on one screen are mirrored on the second one?

Mindabsence   2003-09-05 08:17
Try the mirroring option in ultramon
ecarlson   2003-09-05 15:11
A lot of dual output cards have an option, in the settings of their included software, to mirror the displays. I don't know how to do it with two seperate cards, but there is probably a way.

- Eric
Horza   2003-09-25 02:06
Hmm I got this kinda problem as well. Running Radeon pro 9800 w Hercules drivers. I can't seem to find any setting for Clone even though I see it mentioned a lot of places on the net.

On my GF4400 this was very easy to do. :(

Basically I'd like to be able to run WinDVD-video output on my 2nd CRT. Zplayer works but WinDVD complains about not being able to create an Overlay. :8

2 other things: Are radeon 9800s locked at 60Hz on secondary CRT if you use a DVI-TFT at 60Hz at primary?

I got loads of weird Monitor Unknown devices detected in Hardware. I installed appropriate driver for both TFT and CRT and they are listed twice each but still I get the Unknown devices attached to Radeon? I know I got this weird thing on my GF4400 when enabling NView as well. If I delete them they pop back later.
Douglas   2003-09-25 06:30
Typically in clone mode the clone monitor will be running at the same refresh rate as the monitor that is being cloned. It takes less bandwith to run the same output to both DACs without using the second CRT controller.

Douglas Jordan
Colorgraphic, VP Engineering
Horza   2003-09-25 09:06
Hi again, thanks for the reply. I been checking w Hercules on this matter and this is what i found out.

Clone is available if you DON'T select extend desktop, then enter advanced mode on Primary screen. If you then go into Monitors tab (Might be other name, mine is Swedish :) ) then you see an on/off button next to the CRT which defaults to off. Turn it on and presto Clone mode.

The Hz-problem then, I found a program Reforce.exe which lets you select refreshrates for each monitor on your system, but be wary to check which one you are editing. After that I can run my CRT at any Hz it supports :) BUT it seems if I activate the TV-output it defaults back to 60Hz. I guess SVHS and VGA uses same Ramdac. Can anyone confirm this?

As for the Unknown devices I found nothing so far but I'll keep looking. Hate having Unknown devices in Registry. :P

As for WinDVD it must've been some fluke, it works quite alright now. Zoomplayer blows it out of the water though.

For the record I managed to play Castle Wolfenstein on the CRT in 110Hz while at the same time watching a DivX-movie on the TFT :) So I'm pretty satisfied now, hehe.

But I must say the settingspages aren't very clear and ATI's support-section is less than adequate, in some places it lists 9000 as the latest graph-card...doh.

All kudos go to Hercules. Fastest response I EVER had in the comp-biz. Took 3 hrs to answer 3 Emailed Questions and I got good detailed answers at that, WTG Hercules! Woot.
Douglas   2003-09-26 06:49
The secondary DAC is used for the TV out and VGA. This is why they cannot be used at the same time.

Douglas Jordan
Colorgraphic, VP Engineering
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Twin monitors instead of dual?

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