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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Windows XP Bug? Start->Programs extends off screen on 2nd monitor
Rex Schrader   2003-09-07 05:34
This is probably a Windows XP bug, but I have not been able to find any reference to it anywhere on the web.

My Configuration:
I am running with a Geforce4 4400 as primary, hooked to a 19" monitor running at 1600x1200. My secondary is a Geforce4 MX PCI, hooked to a 15" LCD running at 1024x768.

My taskbar is vertical on the right side of the second monitor. When I click on the Start->Programs, the programs listing is cut off on the bottom. It appears to think that the second, smaller monitor, is the same size as my larger monitor.

Here is an anotated Screenshot.

If anyone has experienced this or found a resolution, I'd apprecaite knowing about it.

I know that I could move my taskbar around, but I like it in the "middle" of the screen and on my secondary.


Rex Schrader
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Windows XP Bug? Start->Programs extends off screen on 2nd monitor

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