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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Win2K crashes with 2 monitor and Asus P4P800deluxe
Stefan   2003-09-11 09:27

I had a setup running with an ATI AGP and a S3 Virge/DX PCI card.
After upgrading my computer (now Asus P4P800 Deluxe mainboard, ATI Radeon 9200, PIV 2,6GHz, same PCI card) Windows will freeze shortly after booting, especially when I move the mouse on the second (S3) screen.

It freezes when I want to change the resolution and sometimes even if I do nothing. Additionally the color depth of the main screen (ATI card) seems to be reduced.

Software: Windows 2000, SP4, ATI driver and Windows driver for the S3 card. I am booting from PCI, but the main screen is the other one.

Thnx in advance!

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Win2K crashes with 2 monitor and Asus P4P800deluxe

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