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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Toshiba Tablet dual monitors and message windows.
Randy   2003-09-11 10:39
I have a Toshiba Tablet and I use a second monitor. Since with dualview your primary display must always be the laptop's LCD screen, is it possible to get message type windows that pop up on the primary display even when the application is running on the secondary display. This is the case with Quickbooks and somebody woulc will releave a MAJOR aggravation for me if you can point me in the right direction.
ecarlson   2003-09-11 12:02
I know my NVidia NView utility has an option to keep pop-up boxes on the same screen as the app, and it works pretty well with modern applications, but even with NView, Microsoft Access 97 still has some issues with things appearing on the primary monitor.

I don't know if there is something for your video chipset.

- Eric
Randy   2003-09-12 04:09
The adapter in my Tablet is a Trident CyberBlade XP Ai1 and I have had no Luck finding anything that will work.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Toshiba Tablet dual monitors and message windows.

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