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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Matrix Monitor Stand
Choi   2003-09-12 06:13
Does anyone know what they used for a monitor stand in the matrix on the nebuchadnezzar

or in swordfish (although i want all mine near me)

I'm looking for a more industrial look, my desk is made of steel and glass(i designed it, and had it built) i looks very industrial and would like to continue the theme in the stand.

Oh im looking to mount 3 LCD's with maybe some smaller ones here and there if i can figure out what to do with them
Eric Carlson   2003-09-12 07:42
No, but please show us photos of your desk.

- Eric,
rob   2003-09-14 04:21
You could use steel piping (home depot, lowes, etc)to mount your monitors. You can find VESA mounts for your lcds that will allow you to use the pipes as a stand.
CyberPunk_1000   2003-09-14 12:38
yeah the vesa braket you can eaven make your self out of 3-5mm mild steel (plenty strong enough to support LCDs) the vesa standard is just pretty much a square with 4 holes drilled for screws if i had of decided to go full TFT i would have built my own stanad this way.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Matrix Monitor Stand

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