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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Using multiple monitors pluged to one card on linux
Adam   2003-09-13 04:32
Yeah, yeah, i've read the FAQ, so dont ask please ;)

My question is, has anything changed in mandrake linux 9? I've been trying to get two monitors pluged to GeForce work separately, but i couldn't even get system to recognize the second monitor, does anyone know how to get it to work? ;)
ecarlson   2003-09-13 05:19
Do both monitors work okay other OSes? I had a problem with my Ti4200 card (in Windows 2000), when I connected an analog LCD monitor and a CRT monitor. The card would only "see" the LCD monitor if no other monitor was connected, but it works perfectly with a pair of CRT monitors.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Using multiple monitors pluged to one card on linux

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