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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 4 mon setup with Hercules ATI
septek   2003-09-14 03:15
Next week i will be ordering the parts for my new computer, this one will have 4 monitors (4 x 19 inch iiyama)

Because my dealer doesn't sell any geforce pci cards, i'll have to go for ATI

I this a good setup and is it possible to get this working ?

- win 2000 pro
- vga hercules 3D prophet 9200 (vga, dvi, tv)
- pci hercules 3D prophet 9000 (vga, dvi, tv)

thanks, nico
ecarlson   2003-09-14 04:28
If they are LCD monitors, you'll want DVI outputs for each one. See earlier posts about dual-DVI video cards.

The least expensive 4-DVI option is probably a pair of NVidia dual-DVI cards.

If you are really forced to get ATI, you could get 1 AGP and 3 PCI cards to have 4 DVI outputs.

Of course, if you have CRT monitors, then you can use regular VGA connections, and ATI will work. My only concern is the reports I've seen about low quality secondary outputs some ATI cards. Maybe that isn't a problem with the cards you are getting.

- Eric
Barton   2003-09-14 06:57
Eric is right on the money. If those monitors are DVI, I don't believe you'll even find an ATI based AGP card that has dual-DVI support (whether they're made by ATI or one of their licensee's) which means you end up with 1-3 combination.

I don't know what it is with ATI based cards that are made by other manufacturers, but the horror stories are endless, expecially when combining cards from different builders.

There a number of nVidia based products that have dual DVI support in both AGP and PCI. Search and You're sure to find something.

If you really want to step out, look at the Xentera GT4 series by Colorgraphics or one of the Quad series made by Matrox. These have quad-monitor support on one card. Both of these I believe support either analog or digital.

Good Luck!

septek   2003-09-14 21:12
Thanks for the insight !

i use 3 crt end 1 LCD monitor.
The Matrox G450 X4 looks very neat, but i'll have to make sure my budget can handle it. If not i will tkae my chance with the ATI cards.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 4 mon setup with Hercules ATI

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