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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual head and pivot function
Janar-NL   2003-09-14 18:17
Some LCD screens has a so-called pivot function, which give the possibility to turn the screen by 90 degrees to get a A4 lay-out.
Is it possible to use two such A4 screens with any of the available dual head video cards?

See you, Jan
Barton   2003-09-14 21:41

The cards should not an issue, rather the drivers for the cards. I know nVidia's drivers support what they refer to as "NVrotate" which allows you to rotate from horizontal to vertical through the Display properties dialog box.

Janar-NL   2003-09-15 17:17
Hi Barton
Thanks for your input
Do you (or somebody else) know about other suppliers, especially Matrox or ATI, having this facility built-in in their drivers ?

See you, Jan
Barton   2003-09-17 07:42
ATI's website SUCKS!!! I tried my best to find the answer with no luck. I have sent the questins ot ATI's Customer Service. Since I work for a major US company, maybe they'll respond. If they do, I'll post their reponse.

As far as Matrox, I visited their forum and searched on the keyword "rotate." Visit this URL for information that I found:

Good Luck!

Barton   2003-09-17 10:51

I got the reply for ATI. Of course, it was a canned, if not automated response. The question I asked was not even addressed in their response.

If you want their response, post your email address and I will forward their response to you. It's very lengthy and I don;t want to waste Christian's server space with a lot of goo.

ecarlson   2003-09-17 11:19
I just tried the rotate feature on my NVidia Ti4200 card. It's pretty neat, but it's really hard to control the mouse with one screen rotated 90 deg, and the other rotated 180 deg. :-)

- Eric
Janar-NL   2003-09-17 18:12
Hi Barton
Thanks again for all you efforts
Please forward the answer of ATI

For the time being I think I go for
a nvidea fx5900 based video card

See you, Jan
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual head and pivot function

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