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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Real dual overlay possible under Win XP with multi ATI config ?
Marco   2003-09-16 02:25

I hope to find some poeple who could be so kind to help out with their knowledge:

I´m in search of a graphics card combination

which is capable of produicing two independent classical overlays with zoomplayer on a two or three monitor setup (with the overlay mixer filter and not by the use of VMR,VMR9 etc..)

to make it short: two Zommplayer started, one on the primary output (first pci card) the other on the secondary output (second pci card) and to start a video in overlay mode on EACH display (Mpeg2 etc..) - is that possible ?

That doesn´t work with a single Radeon 9700
which is only capable of producing one overly (either on primary or on secondary, or two overlays on one output)

It doesn´t work with Fire GL X1 Mod either

Because of each video card beeing limited to one overlay would it work with the following combination:

1: AGP Radeon 9700
2: PCI Hercules 9000
3. PCI Hercules 9000 ?

Would that eliminate the oin connecting problem when trying to start two overlays in two zoomplayer sessions (as long as i only try to start one overlay per graphics card) ?

Does anybody know if the output signal of the Prohet 9000 PCI ist good (comparable to the Radeon 9700) ? (I would only use one output on each card ,not VGA and DVI- only one of them)

Christian Studer   2003-09-16 11:34
Should work fine with multiple cards, I tested this for my ATI review: Zoom Player on each monitor, one overlay used per dualhead card.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Real dual overlay possible under Win XP with multi ATI config ?

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